Маршал Финляндии Густав Маннергейм, 6-й президент Финляндии - Partner of Mannerheim - please link

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Private User
вчера в 9:37 до полудня

Please, link Mannerheim's profile with [Елизавета Владимировна гр. Шувалова because she was his partner (lover) and his wife knew it about them

Private User
вчера в 10:15 до полудня

If they had no children in common, what's the point of linking every single lover? Geni is a genealogical platform, not the gutter press

Private User
вчера в 10:59 до полудня

It's understable if we're talking about common people, but they are prominent historical persons and they had quite long and seriously linked to each other. So I think they needed to be linked.

And yes - geni is genealogical platform. But there are many unconfirmed links here.
For example, Romanovs-Holstein-Gottorp dynasty have exceptionally many partners and many linked illegitimate children (but with not every partner shown). But this information often come from "memoirs" of contemporaries and other such unreliable "sources", that can't be confirmed by real documents (civil or church records) now and also can't be confirmed by DNA, if there some of descendants wants to do it.
Also some of users of geni, including some of curators (not mentioned personal), created their trees linked to illegitimate/"unknown" children of some prominent noble families, but this illegitimate children equally can't be confirmed by sources, only "family memories from long gone greatgrandmother, as she probably sad" or about so.

Why such cases as "family memories", "secret lovers" and illegitimate children are to be included to geni, but partnership of Mannerheim and Elisaveta, what is recognized by biographers of Mannerheim, are not to be included?

вчера в 11:00 до полудня

Маршал Маннергейм - мой некровный родственник. Михаил Никитин.

Private User
вчера в 11:04 до полудня

Михаил Владимирович Никитин

Все пользователи geni знают (даже если им эта "информация" совершенно не нужна), что все люди - Ваши кровные и некровные родственники, о чем Вы сообщаете почти в каждой теме)

вчера в 12:53 после полудня

Marshal of Finland C. G. E. Mannerheim, 6th President of Finland is my 7th cousin twice removed.
You Ingrida Cinkmane (Dzelvite)
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jahn Grahpe
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Carl Arnold Bar. von Vietinghoff
his father → Reinhold Johann Peter von Vietinghoff
his father → Augusta Christiane Isabella Elisabet von Vietinghoff
his mother → Reinhold Gustaf von Ungern-Sternberg
her father → Augusta Sophie Friederike von der Pahlen
his mother → Gustav Christian von der Pahlen
her father → Fredrik Adolf von der Pahlen
his brother → Barbro Juliana Fredriksdotter von der Pahlen
his daughter → Sofia Catharina Johansdotter Jägerhorn af Spurila
her daughter → Ernst Gustav von Willebrand
her son → Vendla Sofia Mannerheim
his daughter → Count Carl Gustaf Mannerheim
her son → Count Carl Robert Mannerheim
his son → Marshal of Finland C. G. E. Mannerheim, 6th President of Finland
his son
Elisaveta Vladimirovna Shuvalova is my 7th cousin twice removed.
You Ingrida Cinkmane (Dzelvite)
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jahn Grahpe
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Juliane Charlotte Lulla von Vietinghoff
his mother → Helene Gertrude von Krüdener
her mother → Gustav Georg von Völckersahm
her father → Sophia Elisabeth von Mengden
his mother → ObtLt., Frhr Magnus Gustav von Mengden, von Altenwoga
her father → Barbara Finck von Finckenstein
his mother → Graf Christoph Reinhold Finck von Finckenstein
her brother → Graf Ludwig Ernst Finck von Finckenstein
his son → Graf Elias Ernst Finck von Finckenstein
his son → Amalie Ludowika Gräfin Finck von Finckenstein
his daughter → Amalia Louise Gräfin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
her daughter → Countess Marie Wilhelmina von Keller
her daughter → Vladimir Ivanovich Prince Bariatinsky
her son → Elisaveta Vladimirovna Shuvalova
his daughter

Private User
Сегодня в 1:37 до полудня

Suomen marsalkka Gustaf Mannerheim, Suomen 6. presidentti is your 8th cousin four times removed.
→ Helvi Kaarina Oksanen
your mother → Aili Maria Hyvärinen
her mother → Salomo Immonen
her father → Anna Maria Järveläinen
his mother → Anna Riitta Järveläinen
her mother → Agneta Maria Pertintytär Koponen
her mother → Liisa Kaisa Heikintytär Hoffrén
her mother → Catharina Hollender
her mother → Katarina Lunden
her mother → Kristina Tawast
her mother → Johan Johansson Tawast
her father → Capt. Johan Mattsson Tawast
his father → Henrik Mattsson Tawast
his brother → Erik Henriksson Tawaststjerna
his son → Jacob Tawaststjerna
his son → Christina Johanna Tawaststjerna
his daughter → Carl Johan Weissmann
her son → Carolina Lovisa Weissmann von Weissenstein
his daughter → Eva Vilhelmina Mannerheim
her daughter → Kreivi Carl Robert Mannerheim
her son → Suomen marsalkka Gustaf Mannerheim, Suomen 6. presidentti
his son

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