Dermot II MacMurrough, King of Leinster - Father

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вчера в 11:06 до полудня

His Wikipedia page lists his father as:

Donnchadh mac Murchada, King of Leinster and Dublin.

"Diarmait was born around 1110, a son of Donnchadh mac Murchada, King of Leinster and Dublin. His father's paternal grandmother, Derbforgaill, was a daughter of Donnchad, King of Munster and thus a granddaughter of Brian Boru.[1] "

not as Enna as connected here on Geni. So I'm curious about why he's connected to Enna. ?

Thanks in advance for any clarification.

вчера в 11:22 до полудня

Also, his father's (not Enna) Wikipedia page states:

"Dermitius (Diarmaid mac Murchadha) had a mortal hatred for the citizens of Dublin, and not without reason; for they had murdered his father (Donnchadh mac Murchada), while sitting in the hall of the house of one of the chief men, which he used for his court of justice; and they added insult to the foul deed by burying his corpse with a dog."

It appears Enna has been inserted as a generation between Dermot II and his father Donnchadh mac Murchada.

вчера в 12:31 после полудня

Dermot II MacMurrough, King of Leinster is my 24th great grandfather.

вчера в 3:20 после полудня

Dermot II MacMurrough, King of Leinster is my 27th great grandfather.
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jahn Grahpe
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Juliane Charlotte Lulla von Vietinghoff
his mother → Helene Gertrude von Krüdener
her mother → Bsse Helene Maria Esther von Völckersahm
her mother → Helene d'Orville von Löwenclau
her mother → Isaac d'Orville von Löwenclau
her father → Peter Friedrich d'Orville
his father → Pierre Peter d'Orville
his father → Samuel d'Orville
his father → Anne Godin, de Tampezo
his mother → Christophe Godin
her father → Isabeau Picot
his mother → François Picot
her father → François Picot
his father → Jacques II Picot
his father → Catherine Desprets
his mother → Waulthier 'de Haluin' Desprest dit de Quiévrain
her father → Guilhaume Desprest dit de Quiévrain
his father → Gilles des Prets, dit de Quiévrain
his father → Esme de Mortagne
his mother → Jeanne de Rochechouart
her mother → Jeanne de Vivonne, Lady of Chewton
her mother → Matilda (or Maud) de Ferrers
her mother → Sibyl Marshal, Countess of Derby
her mother → Isabel de Clare, heiress of Pembroke
her mother → Eva of Leinster, Countess Of Stirgoil
her mother → Dermot II MacMurrough, King of Leinster
her father

Private User
вчера в 3:54 после полудня

Another good catch, Deborah. The MacMoroughs were fond of reusing certain given names, but the book clearly states:

113. Diarmuid - na - nGall ("na- nGail:" Irish, of the foreigners): the elder son of Donoch MacMorough; was the 58th Christian King of Leinster; is known as "Dermod MacMorough;" became King of Leinster in 1135; was in 1166 deposed by the Monarch Roderick O'Connor, aided by Tiernan O'Ruarc, Prince of West Brefni; d. in Ferns in January, 1171. Dermod MacMorough had:

I. Aife (or Eva), who was m. to Richard de Clare, known as "Strongbow" she d. in 1177.
II. Art, slain in 1170 at Athlone, by the Monarch Roderick O'Connor, to whom said Art was given as a hostage.
III. Donal Caomhanach, a quo O'Kavanagh. (See the "Kavanagh" pedigree.)
IV. Eanna Ceannsalach, a quo O'Kinsela. (See the "Kinsela" pedigree.)
V. Orlacan, who m. Donal Mor, No. 110 on the "O'Brien" (No. 1) pedigree.

The Geni father given to this particular Leinster King is actually his uncle, as apparently no profile exists of his father. Of his father the book states quite clearly:

112. Donoch MacMorough: the third son of Murcha, No. 111, was King of Dublin, and the 56th Christian King of Leinster; slain in 1115 by Donal O'Brien and the Danes at Dublin. He had two sons:
I. Diarmuid-na-nGhall, of whom presently.
II. Murcha* (or Moroch)-na nGaodhail, from whom descended Davidson or MacDavy Mor. This Murcha was in 1166 elected successor to his brother as King of Leinster, when Diarmuid-na nGhall was deposed.

FOOTNOTES: * Murcha: We have seen it stated in a Genealogical Chart in one of the Kilkenny Arch. Journals, that the Clan-Morochoe descended and derived their name from this Murcha; but MacFirbis distinctly states that the Clan-Morochoe is descended and takes its name from Murcha who is No. 111 on this [the John O'Hart] pedigree.

** MacMorough: In 1153 Dermod MacMorough carried off Dearvolga, daughter of O'Melaghlin, the last King of Meath, and the wife of O'Ruark, Prince of Brefney. On this subject Webb writes: "The transaction cannot have had much of the romance usually associated with the idea of an elopement. She was forty-four years of age, and did not leave her lord without carrying off her cattle and furniture. This was fifteen years before Dermot sought Anglo-Norman assistance; so that the invasion (of Ireland) can scarcely be attributable to the elopement.....Dearvorgal spent much of her later life in religious exercises, and part of her substance in endowing churches. She survived until 1193, when she died at Mellifont Abbey, county of Meath, which she bad enriched with many presents. Although Dermot's Kingdom nominally passed into Earl Strongbow's family after his decease, much of it appears to have been soon again occupied by the MacMurroughs, by whom it was held in almost undisputed sway for several centuries."

Private User
вчера в 4:04 после полудня

Donnchad mac Murchada, King of Leinster and Dublin

The dates are right for this to be his father. But the current arrangement of relationships is all too confusing for anyone lacking the authority to straighten it out. Personally, I would give the whole family a really thorough cleanup and repair, following the text source.

Here's the mother of his children, dis- or perhaps just un-connected: Derbforgaill

Private User
вчера в 4:19 после полудня

I misspoke and got ahead of myself, Derbforgaill is connected as his "partner", which does make sense under the circumstances.

Private User
вчера в 4:21 после полудня
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вчера в 4:37 после полудня

Another serious issue, I gather, is this Mor O'Toole for whom Wikipedia cited Cawley with this link:

However, Mor O'Toole is not on Cawley's document at all. So that's a misleading source.

Of our King Dermod, Cawley clearly states:

m DERBORGAILL, daughter of ---, granddaughter of BRIAN Boroma King of Ireland (-Imlech 1080). The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1080 of "Derbhforgaill daughter of Brian´s son, wife of Diarmait son of Mael na mBó…in Imlech”[672].

Diarmait & his wife [DERBORGAILL] had three children:

1. MURCHAD (-Dublin 1070, bur Dublin). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Murchad son of Diarmait son of Mael na mbó” invaded “Mann…and defeated Ragnall´s son” in 1061[673]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1070 of "Murchad son of Diarmait king of Laigin and the foreigners…buried in Áth Cliath”[674]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1070 of "Murchad son of Diarmiat son of Mael na mBó king of foreigners and Gaedil…in Áth Cliath”[675]. m ---. The name of Murchad´s wife is not known. Murchad & his wife had four children:

a) DOMNALL (-1075). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Murchad, grandson of Mael na mBó took the kingship of Áth Cliath” in 1075 and died “in the same year”[676]. King of Dublin. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1075 of "Domnall son of Murchad, king of Áth Cliath…of a three nights' sickness"[677].

b) DONCHAD (-1115). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “the son of Murchad, son of Diarmait, son of Máel na mbó” won a battle in 1114[678].

- see below.

c) ENDA . His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) which names “Diarmait son of Enda, son of Murchad, king of the Foreigners and Leinstermen”[679]. m ---. The name of Enda´s wife is not known. Enda & his wife had one child:

i) DIARMUIT (-[1117]). King of Leinster. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Diarmait son of Enda, son of Murchad, king of the Foreigners and Leinstermen, rested in Dublin” in 1117[680].

d) GORMLAITH (-1112). The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Gormlaith, daughter of Murchad coarb of Brigit, rested” in 1112[681]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1112 of "Gormlaith daughter of Murchad son of Diarmait, successor of Brigit”[682].

References need to match cited sources in order to have any validity.

Private User
вчера в 4:44 после полудня

Nevermind, I misspoke again:

Mor (Unknown) is there, but without any primary source for the marriage or for any children by her.

Cawley does have Enna as Dermod's father, although we would have to wade through his primary sources all in Latin in order to verify. I would assume it's all prettty sketchy anyway.

Private User
вчера в 4:54 после полудня

It's interesting that the main page for our 58th king of Leinster, Diarmaid mac Murchadha, agrees not with Cawley but with my source (John O'Hart's textbook) and states:

Diarmait was born around 1110, a son of Donnchadh mac Murchada, King of Leinster and Dublin. His father's paternal grandmother, Derbforgaill, was a daughter of Donnchad, King of Munster and thus a granddaughter of Brian Boru.[1] In 1115 his father attacked Domnall Gerrlámhach, King of Dublin, but died in the ensuing battle. The citizens of Dublin buried him with the carcass of a dog, considered to be a huge insult.

He had two wives (as allowed under the Brehon laws), the first of whom, Sadhbh Ní Faeláin, was mother of a daughter named Órlaith who married Domnall Mór, King of Munster. His second wife, Mór ingen Muirchertaig, was mother of Aoife / Eva of Leinster and his youngest son Conchobar Mac Murchada. He also had two other sons, Domhnall Caomhánach mac Murchada and Énna Cennselach mac Murchada (blinded 1169). Diarmait is buried in the Cathedral graveyard of Ferns village.[2]

After the death of his older brother, Énna Mac Murchada, Diarmait unexpectedly became King of Leinster. This was opposed by the then High King of Ireland, Toirdelbach Ua Conchobair (Turlough O'Conor) who feared (rightly) that Mac Murchada would become a rival. Toirdelbach sent one of his allied kings, Tigernán Ua Ruairc (Tiernan O'Rourke) to conquer Leinster and oust the young Mac Murchada. Ua Ruairc went on a brutal campaign slaughtering the livestock of Leinster and thereby trying to starve the province's residents. Mac Murchada was ousted from his throne, but was able to regain it with the help of the Leinster clans in 1132. Afterwards followed two decades of uneasy peace between Ua Conchobair and Diarmait. In 1152 he even assisted the High King to raid the land of Ua Ruairc who had by then become a renegade.

Mac Murchada also is said to have abducted Ua Ruairc's wife Derbforgaill (English: Dervorgilla) along with all her furniture and goods, with the aid of Derbforgaill's brother, a future pretender to the kingship of Meath. Other sources[who?] say that Derbforgaill was not an unwilling prisoner and that she remained in Ferns with Mac Murchada in comfort for a number of years. Her advanced age indicates that she may have been a refugee or a hostage; in any case, she was under his protection. Whatever the reality, the "abduction" was given as a further reason or excuse for enmity between the two kings.

Private User
вчера в 5:01 после полудня

One exception is the unproven wives which are not included in John O'Hart's "Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish nation":

**He had two wives (as allowed under the Brehon laws), the first of whom, Sadhbh Ní Faeláin, was mother of a daughter named Órlaith who married Domnall Mór, King of Munster. His second wife, Mór ingen Muirchertaig, was mother of Aoife / Eva of Leinster and his youngest son Conchobar Mac Murchada. He also had two other sons, Domhnall Caomhánach mac Murchada and Énna Cennselach mac Murchada (blinded 1169).**

I've seen no sources for either of these two wives. But his relationship with Derbforgaill / Dearvolga, daughter of the last king of Meath and wife of Prince O'Roark, is well known and documented.

Private User
вчера в 5:19 после полудня

There are references in the text to O'Toole and Muircheartach (Murkertagh or Murtagh), although none at all for "Tuathail"; and I find nothing to associate either surname with the 58th king of Leinster in marriage.

Of Sadhbh Ní Faeláin my text states that "Sadhbh" was the widow of Dermod O'Brien. And Faeláin is only given as a location (evidently no connection between her alleged given and surname).

вчера в 5:24 после полудня

Dermot II MacMurrough is my 24th great grandfather so I follow his profile. I read through Debbie's initial postings last night and thought 'how do you fix something so embedded into a long lineage like this?' 🤯

I am new to Geni so I'm interested in this process but totally bewildered by it too lol.

Will there be someone who can straighten it out or is it left to whoever wants to take it on?

вчера в 5:37 после полудня

HI All, I looked at this a long time ago, about 90% positive I am related. He is a great grandfather as my grandmother was a McMorrough. I am actually headed to Ireland in October, perhaps I can take a look there and see what they say. I will also try to take a look this week at it, I have a hug brick wall on my Irish side and stuck and currently working on finding clues.

вчера в 5:55 после полудня

Mor O'Toole is my 27th great grandmother.
Donnchad mac Murchada, King of Leinster and Dublin is my 29th great grandfather.
Dermot II MacMurrough, King of Leinster is my 27th great grandfather.

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