Jimi Hendrix - Cousins

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Сегодня в 12:30 после полудня

Jimi Hendrix is my 11th cousin four times removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Arthur Glen Foor
his father → Alzina Marie Foor
his mother → Phoebe Berry
her mother → Mahala Lewis
her mother → Anna "Nancy" Moore
her mother → Isaiah Ball
her father → Caleb Ball
his father → Caleb Ball
his father → Abigail Ball
his mother → Thomas Blatchley
her father → Susan Blatchley
his mother → Elizabeth Ball
her mother → Thomas Webb of Ruscombe
her father → William Richmond-Webb
his father → Margaret Tyrell
his daughter → Robert Terrell
her son → Richmond Terrell
his son → William Terrell, of Hanover County
his son → David Terrell, Sr.
his son → Susannah Burruss
his daughter → Harrison Burruss
her son → Maria L Jeter
his daughter → Sydney Ryland Jeter
her son → Preston Murice Jeter
his son → Lucille Hendrix
his daughter → Jimi Hendrix
her son

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