Fernando Pérez de Traba, Conde de Trastámara - Burial place of Fernando Perez de Traba: Apparent Error

Начал Thomas James Hudson пятница, 12 августа 2022
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12.8.2022 в 2:10 после полудня

Wikipedia claims he is buried in the cloister of the Cathedral.

This claim is supported by Wikipedia which reports that he is buried in the Cloister of the Cathedral. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernando_P%C3%A9rez_de_Traba
See also:
Barton, Simon (1997). The Aristocracy in Twelfth-century León and Castile. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521497275. This book refers to a quote by Fernando's daughter that she would be buried with him at the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela.

This is compelling evidence. I would appreciate it if you would check your records and, if you agree, make the correction. Fernando is my 28th great grandfather. I appreciate your efforts in recording the details of his life. Tom Hudson
Fernando Pérez de Traba, Conde de Trastámara

12.8.2022 в 2:53 после полудня

Fernando Pérez de Traba, Conde de Trastámara is my 23th great grandfather.

13.8.2022 в 10:00 до полудня

I do not like to chime in; but, unless wiki gives you a reputable reference, use just as a follow up - not as fact.

13.8.2022 в 10:29 до полудня

Posted the reply before finishing it. Apologies.
Here's something that might help. Perhaps they'd share a pic of the place in question.

вчера в 9:47 до полудня

The following is what I have directly from reputable sources:
Upon my asking cathedral museum directly, they replied:
"Buenos días, quien está enterrado en la Catedral de Santiago es su padre, Pedro Froilaz: https://www.museocatedraldesantiago.es/es/2020/04/08/sepulcro-de-pe...;
"En cuanto a Fernando Pérez de Traba, se considera que fue sepultado en el monasterio de Sobrados dos Monxes."
The latter can be confirmed by the Real Academia de la Historia - https://dbe.rah.es/biografias/13501/fernando-perez-de-traba
"En noviembre de 1154, se encontraba en Toledo, junto con el Emperador y el legado pontificio, ayudando al Monarca en las tareas repobladoras.

Según fray Mauricio Carbajo, Fernando falleció en 1161, en Santiago, y fue enterrado en el claustro de la Catedral. Unos años más tarde fue trasladado, según su última voluntad, al Monasterio de Sobrado, donde su hermano Bermudo se había recluido como monje. Sus restos reposan definitivamente en un sepulcro de piedra dentro de la capilla mayor."
Perhaps the Monasterio could be enquired.

вчера в 9:54 до полудня

The last paragraph does confirm Fernando was buried in Santiago (cloister of the Cathedral), but a few years later moved to Monasterio del Sobrado according to his last will, where his brother Bermudo was a monk, and his remains rest definitively in a stone sepulcher inside the main chapel - capilla mayor.

вчера в 10:24 до полудня


вчера в 10:54 до полудня

More telling sites - extensive knowledge and investigation. Don't forget to cite accordingly, please:

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