Leutfried I, duke of the Alemannians - Source for father?

Начал Jari T. Nieminen сегодня
Сегодня в 2:44 до полудня

https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leutari - Leutharis I had no known children?
"It is unknown whether this Leutari had any descendants: around the first half of the seventh century another dux of the Alamanni called Leuthari II is found in the sources: however, it seems absolutely risky to hypothesize for him connections, family or otherwise, with the 'homonymous warrior leader who died in 554' ".

Also, Leutharis I is Butilin's brother - not a father.
"Leutari I, (Leutharius / Λεύθαρις) was a Germanic leader known for having been, together with his brother Butilino (in the Greek sources: Βουτιλῖνος / Βουσελίνος; in the Latin ones: Butilinus / Buccellenus), in command of the contingent (Franco-Alamanno) invaded and sacked Italy in the years 553-554."

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