Ragnhild Håkonsdatter - Sources?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, July 11, 2022
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Unsourced profile. Disconnecting, pending proof that Ragnhild Håkonsdatter is also Jarl av Halland Finn Arnesson 's wife.

I don't pretend to understand but found this: A will where HK gets
Mølledalen (Krogssfoss on
Jessem) by Ragnhild
Since Mølledalen earlier
called Kråkfoss could this
also be NG II, p. 323,
No. 148
Håkonsdatte https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/23783/Bowitzx.pdf?seq...

Okay, can you see the primary sources?

At this rate of disconnecting I will have ZERO ancestors by Friday!
But then again how were they added in the first place ?

Ahh, so you were relying on Jarl Halland to complete your ancestry tree :-)

Always been suspicious and cautious with these 23 rd or 48 th grandparents!
All need confirmation 👍

Do have atDNA natches with individuals from Møre im Romsdal and possible ydna match same area.
So not impossible .

I liked the comment about zero ancestors, and it's a bit sad, and right. Most people doing genealogy will find the meaning by adding parents joyful, others, will find the meaning being deleting them, not to be confused with correcting faulty profiles, as to destroy is their only joy.

The first thing I react against, is when someone always have to ask other people for help, because I interpret this as a weakness, if a person is not able to do the math, then do something else in this case, anything but genealogy.

The second thing I react against, is when someone starts a thread, want quick reactions and if not, just declares, now I have cut off this and that because no one knew, that's disgusting.

Thanks Private - you gave Private User just the in he was looking for to return to his favourite game of Sharon-bashing. Who knows why it brings him such joy, and you have to wonder whether he realises how joyless it makes my already lousy life?

That's him not me.

Sharon - you know that I have always supported you in removing / disconnecting unproven relatives.
No valid sources then better disconnecting or remove information.
Maybe even more than you I support and advocate that.

I'm sorry, Private - I know and I wasn't trying to say that. It was another of my husband's grandchildren's birthdays, the first of many without him. I just wasn't coping.

Ulf -- as you say there is a need for pruning unsupported profiles.
Too often like here the person pruning gets flack but whomever added it in the first place should have confirmed everything from a valid source.
This is neccessary to make what we do here credible and valid. Not just a fictitious storyline.
Getting others to give input is a sign of respecting the input of other members on Geni .

There are two hundred forty pages in the above-mentioned book. I don't pretend to understand the language, and each page has a list of sources which must be translated. One example:
I Monasticon Anglicanum fremgår det at det var abbed og 12 munker samt 10 lekbrødre som befolket Kirkstall,
dette antallet er det også trolig som befolket Hovedøya.
Den julianske 18. mai 1146 var etter vår og den gregorianske kalender den 28. mai 1146.
St. Edmund var en engelsk konge og var kongenes skytshelgen blant annet.
http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook3.html Alle Cistercienserklostre skulle vies til Sta. Maria, statuta I, 17,

In Monasticon Anglicanum it appears that it was the abbot and 12 monks as well as 10 lay brothers who populated Kirkstall,
this number is also probably populated by Hovedøya.
The Julian May 18, 1146 was according to spring and the Gregorian calendar May 28, 1146.
St. Edmund was an English king and was the patron saint of kings among other things.
http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook3.html All Cistercian monasteries were to be dedicated to Sta. Maria, statute I, 17,
(1134 / XVIII)

Possibly somewhere in those pages may or may not be an answer. Each page has its own set of sources, except for the first item I posted. (A will where HK gets
Mølledalen (Krogssfoss on
Jessem) by Ragnhild
Since Mølledalen earlier
called Kråkfoss could this
also be NG II, p. 323,
No. 148

Which is the primary source proof that Ragnhild Håkonsdatter is also Jarl av Halland Finn Arnesson 's wife?

Ragnhild Håkonsdatter is my 26th great aunt.
Jarl av Halland Finn Arnesson is my 27th great uncle.

So, am I to believe that any profile created without a source is open for deletion?

Susan Angeline Schumacher Lostetter Obviously yes, but not certain if you ask for it to be done.

My first cousin's wife never had a birth certificate. Her older sister was at her sister's birth. That's all Social Security had to go on was her signed testimony that her little sister was born. So, in essence, there was no previous record of the birth. Many profiles are from verbal recollection. Just saying.

Susan - signed testimony is the source.

Let’s not confuse recent family with the ancient profiles. :)

Primary sources include the oral testimony of somebody who knew the person personally.
So, when you put your immediate family tree on GEni, you are the primary source.

See project: Working with sources for further explanation.

Susan Angeline Schumacher Lostetter

Akreg. 889 1504 gave
Et testamente hvor HK får Mølledalen(Krogssfoss på Jessem) av Ragnhild Håkonsdatter.

Begrenset tilgang:

It seems to be another Ragnhild much later. Maybe isomeone with access to the link above can check it out?

Ulf the book can be accessed free of charge here:


References for Ragnhild Hakonsdatter are on pps 60 (889) and 62 (917). And I could be wrong but the dates for the person referenced don't seem to correlate well with our Geni profile under discussion here.

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