Hildebrand, duke of Spoleto - Sources?

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вчера в 1:35 после полудня

Private User says about Hildeprand, duke of Spoleto & Theodic, duke of Spoleto

I was wondering what makes Theodic the father of Hildebrand?
All i've found on this topic is that Hildebrand was chosen by the pope to succeed Theodic, but no relation between them was specified.

Despite my scepticism, i would love for them to have a fat

вчера в 1:46 после полудня
Private User
вчера в 3:14 после полудня

Theodicius dux…restituit…et…Hildeprandus dux noster fecit. No reason for Hildebrand to fulfill Theodic's will, if he wasn't his son, Hildebrand fled to Rome when Charles I King of the Franks invaded Italy in 773, returned following year and was appointed Duke of Spoleto. He was after his death succeeded by the Frank Winichis as dux of Spolet, meaning, another person from another family and not related to the previous dukes.

THEODICIUS (-before 9 Jun 776). "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" confirmed the properties of Farfa monastery by charter dated 9 Jun 776, including property which "Theodicius dux…restituit…et…Hildeprandus dux noster fecit"[881]. The Chronicon Farfense records that "Theodicius…dux" donated "casalem Paternionem qui pertinet ad curtem Germanicianam" to Farfa[882].


Early abbacy (770–72)
During his tenure Farfa secured thirty donations, more than three-quarters of which were gifts outright. He also received from private citizens one confirmatio (confirmation of a prior acquisition) and one promissio (promise of a future donation in land), and increased
Farfa's lands by purchasing private property on one occasion and exchanging it on four others to rationalise the abbey's holdings.[3] In 772 Desiderius, who had up to that point been acting as Duke of Spoleto, bestowed that office on >Theodicius, who proceeded to make a grant to Farfa<.

Farfa and the fall of the Lombard kingdom (773–74) Probatus may also have been the beneficiary of a famine that struck Italy in 774–75,[5] and caused an increase in the charitable donations.

Likewise the threat of war may have influenced Duke Hildeprand of Spoleto to procure divine favour or vouchsafe his land to God by donating it to the abbey.
The charters of three grants the duke made to Farfa credit the monks with suggesting them, a sign of Probatus' gift for diplomacy.

Сегодня в 12:23 до полудня

Thank you, that's very helpful.
I think we're all agreed then that they are not directly related as father and son.

Сегодня в 12:37 до полудня

Can't see why the Wikipedia article assumes he's still alive "when Charlemagne confirmed the properties of the monastery of Farfa and Abbot Ingoald in the reign of his successor Hildeprand." No Siurce is cited as proof of that fact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodicius_of_Spoleto

I'm with Cawley in his apparent assumption that Theoderic must have died by the time he has a successor signing things.

Сегодня в 12:39 до полудня

No reason, either, to assume that Lupus, duke of Spoleto is Theodic's father. Джейсон Скотт Уиллс

Сегодня в 1:07 до полудня

Or that Ansprand, duke of Spoleto is te father of Lupus.

Сегодня в 1:10 до полудня

I've created a project to link these often unrelated Dukes of Spoleto, so they don't drift off. I have used Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands as an initial template. Please feel free to join and add / edit in links and other Sources: DUKES and MARCHESI of SPOLETO

Сегодня в 5:38 до полудня

Hildeprand, duke of Spoleto is my 32nd great grandfather.

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