Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway - @Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway is your fourth cousin 23 times removed.

Started by Vanessa Brooks #RM875291C1 on today
Today at 1:05 AM

I do not post the path view to brag. I do it to show that the diversity in the intermarriages through the tree pathway. This is how it has been from the beginning of time. Please understand we are all descendants of a mixture of many ethnicities due to interbreeding. I am just showing you what many don't want to see. This is who we are. We are all related by blood. Hugs

I am related to Barack Obama on his Mom and Dad sides. That's another chapter. SMILE.

Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway is your fourth cousin 23 times removed.
→ Mamie Lee Brooks (Williams)
your mother → Mamie Perkins-Whitaker (Franklin)
her mother → David Winchester Franklin
her father → Owen (Orren) Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen A. Franklin, Sr., (CSA)
his father → Owen Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen Owen E Franklin, Sr
his father → Lawrence Franklin
his father → John Franklin
his father → Elizabeth Franklin
his mother → Elizabeth Salmon
her mother → Susan Cutt
her mother → John Foote of London
her father → Helen Hall
his mother → Richard Warren (aka Waller), of Bassingbourne
her father → Margaret Legh, of Lyme
his mother → Ellen Legh
her mother → Katherine Savage
her mother → Joan Goushill, Baroness of Stanley
her mother → Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother → Elizabeth de Bohun, Countess of Arundel
her mother → William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton
her father → Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, Countess of Hereford
his mother → Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England
her mother → Saint Ferdinand III, King of Castile & León
her father → Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia
his father → Urraca de Portugal, reina consorte de León
his mother → Sancho I, o Povoador, rei de Portugal
her brother → Berengária of Portugal, Queen of Denmark
his daughter → Erik IV Ploughpenning, King of Denmark
here son → Queen of Norway Ingeborg Eriksdatter of Denmark
his daughter → Haakon V Magnusson, King of Norway
her son

Shortest direct family relationship
Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway is your 20th great grandmother's husband's fourth cousin's husband.
→ Mamie Lee Brooks (Williams)
your mother → Mamie Perkins-Whitaker (Franklin)
her mother → David Winchester Franklin
her father → Owen (Orren) Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen A. Franklin, Sr., (CSA)
his father → Owen Franklin, Jr
his father → Owen Owen E Franklin, Sr
his father → Lawrence Franklin
his father → John Franklin
his father → Elizabeth Franklin
his mother → Elizabeth Salmon
her mother → Susan Cutt
her mother → Margaret Foote
her mother → John Brooke
her father → Robert Brooke
his father → Florence Brooke
his mother → Cicely Ashfield
her mother → John Tendring
her father → Sir William Tendring
his father → Maud Tendring
his mother → Margaret de Kerdeston, Heiress of Ewel
her mother → Joan de Braose, Lady of Woodbridge
her mother → Sir Giles de Braose
her husband → Sir Richard de Braose, Lord of Stinton Manor
his father → Margred verch Llewelyn
his mother → Joan - Plantagenet, Lady Snowdon
her mother → John I "Lackland", King of England
her father → Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony
his sister → William of Winchester, Lord of Lüneburg
her son → Otto I, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
his son → Agnes Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
his daughter → Euphemia von Rügen, Queen of Norway
her daughter → Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway
her husband

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