Peeter Volkonski - Cousins

Started by Rachal Bhnay Davis on today
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Today at 9:19 AM

Peeter Volkonski is my 21st cousin twice removed.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Elizabeth Jane Davis
his mother → Elsie Vernor Horn
her mother → William Ambrose Redding
her father → William Alfred Redding
his father → Delphia Brown
his mother → William A. Brown
her father → William Brown, of Prince William
his father → William Browne, of Westmoreland
his father → Capt. Originall Browne
his father → Richard Browne of Virginia
his father → Orignall Brown, "the immigrant"
his father → Richard Browne
his father → John Browne
his father → Anne Browne
his mother → Helen Tudor
her mother → Jasper Tudor
her father → Catherine of Valois, Queen consort of England
his mother → Elisabeth von Bayern, reine de France
her mother → Stephan III von Bayern
her father → Elisabeth d'Aragona, Sicilian Princess
his mother → Eleanor of Anjou, queen consort of Sicily
her mother → Mary of Hungary, Queen of Naples
her mother → ÁRPÁD (házi) Anna, Empress Consort of Byzantine Emperor
her sister → Michael IX Palaiologos, byzantine co-emperor
her son → Andronikos III Palaiologos, Emperor of Byzantium
his son → John V Palaiologos, Byzantine emperor
his son → Manuel II Palaiologos, byzantine emperor
his son → Tomaso Palaiologos, Emperor of Byzantium
his son → Sophia Palaiologina
his daughter → Eudokia
her daughter → princess Anastasia Hoday-qol
her daughter → Princess Marfa Shuyska
her daughter → Anna Ivanovna Golitsyna
her daughter → Andrey Andreyevich Golitsyn
her son → Mikhail Andreyevich Prince Golitsyn
his son → Михаил Михайлович младший князь Голицын
his son → Александр Михайлович Голицын
his son → Daria Henrietta Olsufeva
his daughter → Александр Дмитриевич Олсуфьев
her son → Софья Александровна княгиня Шаховская
his daughter → Елизавета Алексеевна княгиня Волконская
her daughter → Mikhail Petrovitch Fst. Wolkonski
her son → Andrei Mikhailovich Fst. Wolkonski
his son → Peeter Volkonski
his son

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