Haim Wartski,Hachoen - Dina KATZ HESCHEL

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Today at 2:21 AM

Randy Schoenberg

Claudia Bullock

Private User

According to the book "Elef Margaliot (section: 779)
Dina was the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Whal (son of Rabbi Shaul Whal), her first husband was Rabbi Naftali Katz, A.B.D. Lublin
מבעלה השני:
Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel [of Cracow] (Hanukat HaTorah)
She had the following children:
1:Esther - wife of Rabbi Natan Neta Shapira of Krakow
2:Kreindel - wife of Rabbi Shraga Feibel of Krakow
3: Feigla - wife of Rabbi Naftali Zvi Hirsch Reich of Krakow (who was her cousin)
4: Rabbi Issachar Dov Berish
Rabbi Issachar Berish Babad

5:Rabbi Shaul, A.B.D. Brisk and Krakow

6:Hassia (born after the death of her father, and named after him) -Wife of Rabbi Meir Halperin A.B.D. Apta and Lublin

I hope the information helps

Today at 2:50 AM

Mike Stangel

In recent days, when I want to answer discussions - many times this is not possible for me, and I have to open a new discussion.
(I get a message every time to refresh the page, but refreshing doesn't help either)
In all the other sites I browse, everything is fine.

Is there a known problem in geni?

Private User
Today at 6:58 AM

Thanks to Haim for a thorough recopilation of Wunder on the paternity and offspring of Dinah. Comments: 1) yesterday I learned of Rosenstein's position regarding Dinah's paternity which differs significantly from Wunder. Rosenstein's reasoning is contained in several texts I do not have. Someone needs to review Rosenstein in order to evaluate whether a departure from Wunder is merited. Can anyone make available one of texts for further review? 2) Wunder lists 6 offsoring. On GENI Dinah is given 16 by my count. Wunder doesn't appear to provide paternity info for the 6. On GENI paternity is credited to one or the other of Dinah's spouses. Someone needs to assess each of the offspring attributed to Dinah in the light of Wunder and any other available evidence to determine if possible who the mother and father of each child is. If no evidence can be found abiut a mother or father
or both then the child should be detached and remain without that parent or parents until evidence is brought forward. Who should do this work? Suggestion: Primarily the managers of each offspring's profile. How can work be started? A notice to the managers saying: to improve reliability of the GENI tree a reassessment of these offspring has been initiated. This is a request to all managers for sources on the parentage of each offspring. If after a reasonable amount of time no evidence is forthcoming for any offspring that child will be detached from the oarent(s) about whom no evidence exists, and shall remain so until evidence is submitted. Signed, E Randollh Schoenberg, GENI Curator

Today at 9:51 AM

Private User

All of Dina's children I wrote to are from her second husband:
Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel [of Cracow] (Hanukat HaTorah)

I apologize if this thing was not understood from the things I wrote

Today at 9:54 AM

Private User,

I am working on obtaining and reviewing the 2 sources. I live in Lawrence, Kansas, and have an out-of-district library card that gives me access to the Midwest Genealogy Center (MGC) as well as all of the other branches of the Midcontinent Public Library, located in our neighboring state of Missouri. MGC has all of the back issues of Avotaynu. I called MGC, and put in a research query, and they have agreed to photocopy pages 28-30 of Volume XXII for me, and to email it to me. This is very kind of them, since the bound volume is a shelf copy that can only be used in the library, and it would be a long trip, way out of my way, for me to actually go to the library to photocopy the 3 pages myself. (I seldom physically go to Missouri anymore, however, I'm a big fan of their very extensive audiobook collection, which I borrow from heavily without ever leaving home).

I've also asked Lawrence Public Library, here in my town, if they can get me the Saul Wahl book through inter-library loan, however, that might not work out, since there aren't very many libraries in the U.S. that have it. Incidentally, I'm not sure, but I think it might be out of print.


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