Alexander Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 16th Duke of Hamilton is my 13th cousin thrice removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Arthur Glen Foor
his father → Noah Calvin Foor
his father → Pvt Henry Henrich Foor
his father → Elizabeth Alspach
his mother → Johannes "John" Alspach
her father → Anna Magdalena Alspach
his mother → Andreas Sigismund Brandstetter
her father → Sigismund Simon Brandstetter
his father → Margrave of Brandenburg Johann Georg Brandstetter
his father → Prince of Hohenzollern, Kurfurst Elector von Brandenburg Johann John Georg I
his father → Duchess Magdalene Herzogin of Saxony, Electoral Princess of Brandeburg Margravine of Brandenburg
his mother → Christina von Sachsen, Landgräfin zu Hessen
her sister → Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel, Kurfürstin von der Pfalz
her daughter → Friedrich IV, Kurfürst von der Pfalz
her son → Friedrich V von der Pfalz, Kürfürst von der Pfalz, König zu Böhmen
his son → Karl I Ludwig von der Pfalz (Elector Palatine)
his son → Karoline Elisabeth von der Pfalz, Raugräfin, Gräfin von Schomberg, duchess of Leinster
his daughter → Friederike of Holdernesse Schönburg, Of Schonburg
her daughter → Caroline Louisa Kerr (D'Arcy), Marchioness of Lothian
her daughter → Louisa Mary Kerr
her daughter → Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond, 4th Duke of Aubigny
her son → Charles Gordon-Lennox, 5rd Duke of Richmond & Lennox
his son → Charles Gordon-Lennox, 6th Duke of Richmond
his son → Charles Gordon-Lennox, 7th Duke of Richmond
his son → Helen Magdalan Percy, Duchess of Northumberland
his daughter → Elizabeth Ivy Douglas Hamilton (Percy), Duchess of Hamilton
her daughter → Angus Douglas-Hamilton, 15th Duke of Hamilton
her son → Alexander Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 16th Duke of Hamilton
his son