First name and second ,third ,4th names

Started by Private User on yesterday
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
yesterday at 11:40 PM

On profile where do names go ?
First name in first space and all others in second space ?
Do we use Cape of Good Hope for event / Birth/ baptism/ Death in 1780 or Western Cape 🤔

Private User
yesterday at 11:40 PM

Private User

Sharon Doubell

Private User
yesterday at 11:41 PM

Private User

Private User
yesterday at 11:44 PM

Very old debate regarding names which never reaches a conclusion!

Private User
yesterday at 11:45 PM

Private User

Private User
yesterday at 11:52 PM

Think to prevent conflict some kind of guidelines or suggested rules should be implemented.
June -- you ,Judi and I worked hard on dates etc project place names in SA.
What was it for then

Today at 12:17 AM

Good morning, why not just borrow the guidelines from Family Search? I have been working on records for them and they are well documented.

Private User
Today at 12:30 AM

Ann Hope-Bailie - what do they suggest ?

Private User
Today at 12:53 AM

We can debate it ad eternum; people will use it as they see fit. Question is what standard, if any, do we enforce? Example here: Martha Rossouw.

Private User
Today at 1:06 AM

---just want to remove Cape Winelands 1724 !!
Names ? : First name in first slot then all others in 2nd slot on profile ?

To say Jan van Rebeeck landed 1652 in the Western Cape then built the Castle in the Western Cape becomes a bit weird .

Is it possible to be born in a place that did not exist when you were born ?
Piet Janse died in Gauteng , South Africa 1840 ?

Private User
Today at 1:14 AM

I find I learn about history when adding information.
When was Graaf Reinett established , the history of the town and the more information I get , the more I learn and Knowledge is the ultimate .

Why take shortcuts ?
Then we might as well say our ancestor born 1610 in Cape Town Western Cape died 1680 Cape Town , Western Cape and not bother searching for valid primary sources .

A person or individual / Profile also differentiated from another individual /Profile from where they were born or died .

If the place is wrong why bother with any information then ? Just add anything you like or believe ?

Private User
Today at 1:16 AM

My point is James changed the names to what they are now, but every time there’s a discussion the outrage is directed at curators. Conversely, when we lock the fields and lock the relationships, that evokes a similar outrage. There just doesn’t appear to be a happy medium where everyone is happy.

Private User
Today at 1:33 AM

I prefer to use:
First name field: First field
Other names: Second field
Last name: Married name (most recent, or as per Death Notice).
Birth name: Literally name at baptism.

Re: place names, I agree they should be contemporaneous. I detest seeing new names for old places. However, I understand it is complex. A level of complexity that some users don’t wish to delve into.

Add to that the place name recommendations from Geni are modern place names. I use those for burial locations etc.

But not everyone agrees; for example Alex Armenia prefers at least two names in first name field to avoid Geni’s “optimistic” matching system etc.

Others prefer not to use the Last name field for married names as earlier archive records use the maiden name as Afrikaans women didn’t take the husband’s name in the earlier years at the Cape. It’s a balancing act that needs to take everyone into consideration. It should be flexible, but not to a fault.

Private User
Today at 1:34 AM

Alex Armenis* apologies Alex, my phone prefers Armenia for some reason.

Private User
Today at 1:40 AM

Filling out the names on a profile:
When I was still a novice Geni user, I used to type the full names in the first name field because when using the middle name field too, I could only see the first name displayed, and with my family where so many people have the same first names, that was very confusing.

I later on learned that one can select the name display preferences in your account settings.
Thereafter, I decided to complete the name fields on the profile as Geni provides the blank profile window. Thus, first name in First name field, and the rest of the names in the Middle name field. Then I made sure that I select the name display option that fits my preference.

By the way, a similar topic is also how to use the birth surname field....

Here are 3 URLs to this topic that may be worth reading:

Go well
Marietjie Kotze

Private User
Today at 1:55 AM

Marietjie Kotze -- thx you a star.

Thx Drummond

--- Re: place names, I agree they should be contemporaneous. I detest seeing new names for old places. However, I understand it is complex. A level of complexity that some users don’t wish to delve into. --- Why not just learn something new ? Can only benefit one ?

e.g my ancestors born Lemberg , Lithuania not Lviv , Ukraine .

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