Jeanne de Valois - Very little resemblance here, to the real Jeanne de Valois.

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Private User
Today at 4:52 AM

Jeanne de France or Jeanne de Valois (1435 - 1482 ) was the daughter of Charles VII, King of France, and Marie d'Anjou.

She married at the castle of Plessis-lès-Tours December 23, 1446 John II (1426-1488), Duke of Bourbon and Auvergne. They had no children.

Joan of France died in the castle of Moulins on Saturday May 42 or Thursday April 25 1482, and was buried in the cathedral-basilica Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation de Moulins.

Titles of nobility: Duchess, Duchess (d), Princess

Birth: May 4, 1435

Death: 1482, Mills [France]

Burial: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation of Moulins

Family: House of Valois

Father: Charles VII of France

Mother: Mary of Anjou Marie d'Anjou, reine de France

Louis XI of France
Catherine of France
Madeleine of France
Charles of France
Yolande of France
Charlotte of Valois
Radegonde of France
Marie of France (d)

Spouse: John II of Bourbon (since1452)

Arms of Joan of France: Coat of arms

Notes and references
Genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of Bourbon, by Nicolas-Louis Achaintre, p. 205-206
Generally, the date [of death] is placed on May 4, 1482 (National Archives, X1A 1490, fol.95), published by Joseph Vaesen and Étienne Charavay, Lettres de Louis XI.
There is a letter from Louis XI dated April 29, 1482 in Belleville-sur-Saône (according to Bulletin du Comité historique des monuments writings de l'histoire de France: Histoire, sciences, lettres, tome III, p. 244, Paris 1852): "Monsr le general, I have seen that my sister of Bourbon is dead from life to death. ...Written in Belleville, the penultimate day of April. LOYS. BRICONNET." Therefore, Joseph Vaesen concludes that, according to the article in the Journal of Jean de Roye "In the year one thousand IIIIc eighty-two, on Thursday [...] day of May, approximately the hour of IIII to V hours of [...] very noble, powerful, holy and good living the exemplary, it is to know my very redoubted lady Madame Jehanne of France, [spouse] and **wife of Monsr Jehan, Duke of Bourbonnois and Auvergne**, expired and gave up her soul to God in her castle of Molins ...", it is on Thursday, April 25 (Joseph Vaesen and Étienne Charavay, Letters of Louis XI, tome IX, p. 213-214, Librairie Renouard, Paris 1905)
Joseph Vaesen and Étienne Charavay, Letters of Louis XI, volume IX, p. 213, note n°1, Librairie Renouard, Paris 1905, according to Journal de Jean de Roye, volume II, p. 112

See also
Complementary bibliography
Marie-Elisabeth Bruel, "A testimony to the attachment of **Duke Jean II of Bourbon and Joan of France** to the Immaculate Conception: the mass founded in 1475 in the Collegiate Church of Moulins", Etudes bourbonnaises, no 309, 2007, p. 191-199.

Philippe Contamine and Marie-Hélène Tesnière, "Jeanne of France, Duchess of Bourbon, and her Book of Hours", Monuments and Memoirs of the Eugène Piot Foundation, vol. 92, No. 1, 2013, p. 5–65 (DOI 10.3406/piot.2013.2122, read online [archive]).

Samuel Gras, "Illuminated Manuscripts for Joan of France, Duchess of Bourbon", in Cynthia J. Brown and Anne-Marie Legaré, eds., Women, Culture and the Arts in Europe between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Turnhout, Brepols, 2016 (DOI 10.1484/M.TCC-EB.5.107673, read online [archive]), p. 55-71

Virginie Mézan-Muxart, “Genette and Janette, mottos of Joan of France in the 15th century”, Reinardus, vol. 22,‎ 2009-2010, p. 104-125.

Related Articles
Book of Hours of Joan of France, illuminated manuscript made for Joan of France

External links
Joan of France, Duchess of Bourbon [archive], Bibale database record [archive]
Joan of France, Duchess of Bourbon [archive], Biblissima database record [archive]


Consistently meticulous French scholarship, very impressive, imho. Great role models.

Private User
Today at 5:05 AM

Okay I had the wrong one, how embarrassing. But there may be some useful gleanings in these French Wikipedia articles, anyway.

Jeanne de Valois, duchesse de Bourbon

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