Abraham I HaLevi Heller Wallerstein - Is This a Good Clue or a Fantasy Tree?

Started by Private User on Wednesday, February 23, 2022
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  • Private User
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On a recent post on JG, I saw a photo of a written pedigree from the mid 19th century saying :

"My grandfather, Reb Mordechai, son of Reb Daniel son of Reb Mordechai from Hungary, brother of the author of the Ketzot Hachoshen and Kuntress Hasfakos,was the head of Duvno in Kalish, son of Rav Reb Yechiel Michel head of the Rabbinical Court, Son of the Gaon Reb Yakov Yosef the Cohen, Rosh Yeshiva and the head of the court of the holy community of Trusk, a suburb of Varlin who was the son-in-law of the Gaon the author of the Tosfos Yom Tov with his daughter Raizel from the grand children of the Shach and Ramah, very holy. And the Tosfos Yom Tov was the son of Reb Noson Heller the son of the Gaon Reb Moshe head of the court and Rav of the Kollel in Germany, the grandchild of the Gaon the author of the Aruch from the tribe of Yehuda."

At the end the document suggests that Moshe I ben Abraham I Halevi Heller-Wallerstein was the grandson of Maran Yosef ben Ephraim Karo Now since we know that R' Moshe is HaLevi and R' Karo is not (I believe), then this would mean that R' Moshe's mother was the daughter of R' Karo, or to put it another way, that a daughter of R'' Karo's is the spouse of Abraham HaLevy (who does not currently have a spouse on the profile). The timing seems to be a little bit off, but the dates on these profiles are usually only rough estimates, so I wouldn't say it is impossibly chronologically.

I post this here for the sake of future reseachers.

If you want to look at photo of the document here is the post: https://groups.jewishgen.org/g/main/message/666692

Postscript to yesterday's post: It has been pointed out to me that the Aruch mentioned in the document is not R' Karo, but rather: Rabbi Nathan ben Yehiel Anaw, of Rome This is a much earlier personage and therefore cannot be the literal grandfather of Reb Moshe. Instead it suggests a long pedigree from the HaLevi Wallerstein branch and this has already been previously addressed and is incorporated into the GENI tree: Avrohom Halevi

All is well!

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