Magdalena Cecily Fitznigel de Blois - Fitznigel?

Started by Private User on Saturday, February 5, 2022
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Private User
2/5/2022 at 7:24 PM

Who is Nigel in relation to Magdalena Cecily?

Private User
2/5/2022 at 11:16 PM

Her alleged mother was repudiated by her alleged father and with him had only one child, her alleged brother Etienne Henri de Blois (documented, apparently).

I find no proof of the validity of this profile. If she existed (doubtful), her maiden name would have been more like "de Blois". And if married to John FitzRichard she might have taken his surname. Don't know how "FitzNigel" got there, but it seems moot anyway since we have no credible proof of her birth and marriage.

Private User
2/5/2022 at 11:56 PM

Curator Note from Erin Ishimoticha (1/8/2016): "Wife of John FitzRichard of Saxlingham; her identity is unknown."

(Truest statement I've seen about her, so far. She was originally added as "Mrs. John Monoculus" which is more like it, but gradually picked up one undocumented detail after another over the years, eventually evolving into this fantastic stand-in for a wife and mother of three well-documented sons...But historically this problem was brought to public attention in 2018, about 4 years ago. Evidently ignored and without response. Interesting. The only Lock that I can see on it is her marriage to John FitzRichard, which IS correct. So maybe they are just waiting for someone confident enough to come along and make the proper corrections. I did move "de Blois" back to the Birth Surname/Maiden name field, which was where I think it was Pam Wilson had placed it years ago. I did so only because it makes a little better sense, for the moment. And because it seemed really obvious to me at the time. But I'm not bold enough to completely renovate an MP that has already had so much work done on it.)

8/29/2022 at 6:34 PM

I’ve updated the profile for wife of John fitzRichard of Saxlingham who was married to John fitzRichard of Saxlingham

there’s arguably a different John “one eye” married to Magdalen Fitz Nigel (his half sister?) that should be clarified and differentiated further.

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