Patrick Mahomes is my 21st cousin twice removed.
→ Mary Lee Davis
your mother → Arthur Vearl Foor
her father → Eva Viola Foor
his mother → Luella B Ingram
her mother → William Henry Harrison Rush
her father → David Rush
his father → Jeremiah Rush
his father → Michael Rush, Sr.
his father → Peter Rush, Sr.
his father → Elizabeth Letitia Rush
his mother → Elizabeth Lewis
her mother → Colonel Augustine Warner, II
her father → Colonel Augustine Warner
his father → Elizabeth Warner
his mother → Ann Southerton
her mother → Ursula Peck
her mother → Ele Guybon
her mother → Sir John Awdeley, Kt., of Swaffham Market
her father → Elizabeth Luttrell
his mother → Elizabeth Courtenay
her mother → Sir Walter Hungerford, 1st Baron Hungerford
her father → Margaret de Sydenham (de Hungerford)
his sister → John de Sydenham (The Elder)
her son → Walter Sydenham
his son → John Sydenham, Esq., the Elder
his son → Richard Sydenham
his son → Thomas Sydenham, I
his son → Elizabeth Holcombe
his daughter → Thomas Holcombe, Gent.
her son → Christopher Holcombe
his son → William Holcombe
his son → William Holcombe
his son → William Holcombe
his son → Richard Holcombe
his son → John Holcombe, I
his son → Joel Holcombe
his son → Joel Holcomb, Jr.
his son → Zachariah Holcomb
his son → Lewis Harmon Holcomb
his son → Emma Jane Martin
his daughter → Lettie Zarilla Martin
her daughter → Carroll Houston Martin
her son → <private> Martin
his son → <private> Mahomes (Martin)
his daughter → Patrick Mahomes
her son