Maredudd ap Rhys Gryg - Maredudd ap Rhys Gryg bad data

Started by Robert Brian Byers on Wednesday, January 5, 2022
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1/5/2022 at 9:14 AM

Maredudd ap Rhys Gryg

mother: Mathilde de Clare daughter of Richard de Clare 3rd Earl of Hertford, lord of Clare, Tonbridge, and Cardigan
wife : Isobella Marshal daughter of Gilbert Marshal 4th Earl of Pembroke (2nd)

1/5/2022 at 10:02 AM

The connection of an unnamed daughter of Gilbert de Clare as the wife of Rhys Gryg comes from Brut y Tywysogyon (The Chronicle of the Princes, one of the medieval Welsh genealogies).

Medlands gives the citation, in translation -- The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Rhys the Hoarse married the daughter of the earl of Clare" in 1219. --

And Medlands names that unnamed daughter as Matilda, the daughter of Richard de Clare.


Steven Mitchell Ferry -- It looks to me like Wolcott's naming of Gilbert de Clare as the father of the wife of Rhys Gryg isn't clearly supported by the manuscript he cites.

Nor is Richard as the father, and Matilda as the daughter, supported by that manuscript, BUT

Medlands points to the problem in this passage, for Matilda --

MATILDA [Joan] de Clare ([1185/90]-). The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Rhys the Hoarse married the daughter of the earl of Clare" in 1219[876]. Her supposed first marriage is referred to in numrous secondary sources but the primary source on which it is based has not been identified. William de Briouse’s wife is named Matilda in primary sources. However another possibility for her identity has been proposed: according to Elwes (who cites no primary source), she was “the daughter of Ralph and sister and coheir of John de Fay”, adding that “after her first husband Wm de Braose’s death in 1210, [she] married Roger de Clere”[877]. The question is discussed in detail under BRIOUSE. [m firstly WILLIAM de Briouse, son of WILLIAM de Briouse & his wife Mathilde de Saint-Valéry Dame de la Haie (-Corfe 1210).] m [secondly] (1219) as his second wife, RHYS ap Rhys "Gryg/the Hoarse", son of RHYS ap Gruffydd & his wife Gwenllian of Powys (-Llandeilo 1234, bur St David’s).

that's at

So here's the summation -- Rhys Gryg married a daughter of the Earl of Clare. That's clear from the Welsh genealogies.

But which daughter, of which Earl of Clare, is not named.

Here's Medlands --

1/5/2022 at 10:09 AM

My take on this is that we should detach Gilbert as NN's father, and address the issue in curator's notes and Overview.

Unless we can find evidence that Medlands didn't.

(By the way - the reason that the Welsh genealogies don't name either the daughter or her father, just giving his title, is that the info is irrelevant to them. Rhys Gryg married a Norman at some point. That's all the info needed at the time.)

1/5/2022 at 11:06 AM

The solution to the question would seem to be "who was the Earl of Clare at that time [1219]?"

Seemed easy enough until I read the following: I'm sure that Wolcott had a reason for considering Gilbert to be the proper person, but I don't know what it is.

But, Cawley gives a death date of 1217 for Richard, which indicates that in 1219, son Gilbert would have at least succeeded Richard as Earl of Hertford and of Gloucester, and thus presumably Lord of Clare. But the dob of 1180 given by Medlands is problematic, and I suspect Wolcott dates him earlier. .

1/6/2022 at 12:30 PM

After carefully considerin' the whole situation, I stand with my back to the wall,
Walkin' is better than runnin' away, and crawlin' ain't no good at all - W. Nelson

Here is the ByT text in question:

I also looked at Bartrum to see what he had to say, and the result is in the chart Rhys ap Tewdwr 8. In his original he shows wife number 2, for Rhys Gryg as "N.N. ferch Gilbert III, Earl of Clare" with a marriage date of 1219. It seems that Wolcott took his info from Bartrum (more or less.) However, in Bartrum's personal book ( I would just post the link to the chart here in Geni, but it is one of many that remains locked) he has penned over Gilbert and added "? Matilda f. Richard, widow of Wm de Braose who d. 1210." He adds a note: "See Michael Altschul, A Baronial Family in Medieval England: the Clares, 1217-1314, 1965 pp. 29-31." He then adds another note, this time in pencil, referencing Altschul's letter of 5/6/81, calling the woman Joan f. Richard de Clare, Carms. 32, Glam. 193

I have talked to Darrell Wolcott about the daughter and her connection to Rhys Gryg.

1/6/2022 at 1:02 PM


Wolcott told me that in his earlier charts he had posted two possible ladies. One, a daughter of Gilbert, and the other a daughter of Richard. He asked himself might not a daughter of a deceased earl still be considered with that nomenclature? [I note that the ByT cite uses "earl" and not "Earl."] He did not add sources to his Norman chart, but at one point he did list her as Joan, daughter of Earl Richard. He adds that the "Carms" and "Glams" reference by Bartrum is for the Bodlean Mss.

So, Cawley has it right as to the lady probably being Matilda (Joan) de Clare. However, he and I both have it wrong in thinking that she is the mother of Maredudd ap Rhys Gryg (no where does Wolcott say that she is). With a marriage date of 1219, and a d.o.b. for Maredudd at c. 1202, that doesn't work, unless she was having an affair with Rhys Gryg prior to the death of her husband in 1210 - doubtful. So I will be making corrections along those lines.

But we are left with the question of "who was the mother of Maredudd." Bartrum originally charted her as Gwenllian ferch Elidir ab Owain, but that woman dates at c. 1665, and not a likely candidate. He then pencils in a preference for N.N. ferch Gilbert (now Richard," and we know that doesn't work. So that leaves Ellyw ferch Trahaearn, born c. 1170, just a bit more suitable than Gwenllian. But Bartrum charts 13 children for Rhys Gryg, so bearing a child at age 32 is still in the realm of possibilites. After all, her mother had her about the age of 29.


And thanks to Robert Brian Byers for bringing this up. It's not often that we can kick around Bartrum, Cawley, and Wolcott all at one swoop.

1/6/2022 at 2:27 PM

I know! It's an awesome trio.

The more I look at this, the more I think that what I came to earlier is right -- we need to give the wife as an unknown de Clare, and give all this info -- well, a condensation of all this info -- in the curator notes and Overview.

All three of our experts are all over the place.

The one real source does not give the name.

the suppositions and surmises don't come down strongly on any of the possible de Clares.

I do note, Stephen, your allegiance to Wolcott -- and he may well be right. But it's not a sure thing at all, at all.

1/6/2022 at 2:38 PM

Great discussion. You guys know how to take what makes my eyes spin like cartwheels into coherence.

1/6/2022 at 4:16 PM

Anne Brannen Wolcott revised his paper this afternoon to make her Joan, daughter of Earl Richard de Clare. He did not change the order of listing, but he also is not indicating a marriage order. I have taken that liberty here on Geni. I think we're on solid enough ground to go with Matilda/Joan, as in Medlands. I did disconnect all of Rhys Gryg's children from her and assigned them to Ellyw ferch Trahaearn.

1/6/2022 at 4:18 PM

Erica Howton Thanks. From what I've seen of your work, I take that as a great compliment.

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