Johannes Pietersen (Pietersz) - Who was he ? Where from

Started by J P Weyers on Monday, January 3, 2022
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J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 5:48 AM

Johannes Pietersz van Lubeck .

His date of birth as 1703 from what source ?

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 5:49 AM
J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 5:50 AM

Last child baptised 1763 Johannes would have been 60 !

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 5:52 AM

Possible baptism 1703

Johannes Halfslag -- so wherte dis van Lubeck come from ?

However no child named after his mother Cristina

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 5:53 AM

Names Jan or Johannes can not find Jantjie as stated in this

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 6:09 AM

Haar 5 kinders by Jantje Peters, is gebore tussen 1750 en 1763. Dan moes Elsje die
eerste een gehad het op ouderdom 51 en die laaste een op ouderdom 64. Dit is baie
onwaarskynlik. First child baptised 1747

Johannes Pietersz also unlikely to have first child in 1750

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 6:18 AM

In ongeveer 1749 word haar laaste buite-egt elike kind, Jan Chri stoffel Pieterse
(gedoop 16/8/1750), kind van Jantje Pete rs, gebore voordat sy in ongeveer 1752
met Jantje/ Johannes trou. Hy is die seun van Andreas Peters van Lübeck, Duitsland en
Cristina van die Caap en dus self van slawe-herkoms. Jantje Peters word as ‘n
“Vryswart” beskryf op sy eerste vrou, Helena van die Caap se Inventaris


J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 6:27 AM

“August 12, 1830
The following major Heirs, in Estates under the administration of the Board of
Orphan Masters, are hereby informed, that the Sums due to them, as expressed
opposite to their respective names, are payable at this Office:
PIETERSEN, Elsje Elizabeth GERRITSEN, widow of Johannes 105 23
Johs. dr., the children of the late Anna Maria 37 25
Johanna Agnita, married to Philip RAHT 2 41
Wilhelmina Johanna

1/3/2022 at 8:02 AM

Not seeing van Lubeck. Did you remve it?

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 8:06 AM

On baptism of children Marthinus and Hester
It appears his father was Andreas Peters from Lubeck.

1/3/2022 at 8:14 AM

Jantje from father's will?

Date: 31 October 1716
Name: Andries Pietersz [5] [6]
dated 31 October 1716, of Andries Pietersz, Generale Reek[ening van den Boedel en [goed]eren naargelaten en met 'er dood ontruijmt bij wijlen Andries Pietersz: ten voordeele van desself[s] [nagela]tene minderjarige Zoon Jantje Pietersz: These accounts note that prior to the final date other amounts had been paid out to Catharina and Agnieta Pietersz as leqacies from this estate. One can assume that they were daughters of Andries Pieterz who had either married or attained their majority through age: 1715 16 Febr: Aan Catharina en Agnieta Pietersz in minderinge van haar legaat ... 1716 10 Maart: Aan Catharina Pietersz: in vold[oening]e van haar legaat ...Aan Agnieta Pietersz: in vold[oening]e van haar legaat 1714 3 Julij Aan Jan Pietersze in minderinge van desselfs erfportie voor 't maaken van noodige kleerderen volgens quit[antie] Aan Cassa voor 't geen resteert voor voorn[oemde] Jantje Pietersz: in voldoeninge van desselfs gantsche erfportie om bij de weesboeken ingenomen te werden ... f.134:11:] [6]

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 8:17 AM

Thx !!
So that the origin of Jantjie !

1/3/2022 at 8:18 AM

But cf different baptism doc & mother to above:

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 8:21 AM

Discovered a lot about him
His 2nd wife Elsje Gerrits some argue is actually Anna Elizabeth Weyers baptised 1721 also known as Elsie Gerrits.

Some xtra possible partners and children for her .

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 9:01 AM

His baptism 4 November 1703

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 9:11 AM

So one baptised 17 June 1714 .
Think this more correct the 1703 date makes es him too old for child baptised in 1763

So must correct imother to Maria Domingo !
He calls himself Jan / Johannes Pietersz van Lubeck on baptisms so he is the son if Andreas Peters I would say.
The son if Cristina a different person completely.
1703 a red herrring

Thx Sharon you are yet again a star !!!

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 9:11 AM

Must I change or you going to ?

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 9:12 AM

Joannes like my grandfather writes it !!

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 9:14 AM

17 June or July 1714

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 9:20 AM

Sharon coukd you change the curators note abd some blah blah that not him baptised 1703.
Love this when working together things happen.

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 10:05 PM

2 Johannes Pietersz ,
One baptised 1703 no father mother Cristina
Another one baptised 1714 father Andreas Pietersz mother Maria Domingo.
Definitely not the same person as not likely to baptise a child twice.
Could child baptised 1703 be same one mentioned on will 1708 às nentioned on FFY?
Died and child baptised 1714 given same names.
From baptisms of children we know Jan/Johannes Pietersz van Lubeck so 99.999 % sure he son of Andreas Peters

1/3/2022 at 10:10 PM

Will do, Phillip - but want to figure out who the other person is. I think there are obviously two different guys here.

1/3/2022 at 10:11 PM

Ahh - I see you do too.

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 10:14 PM

On baptism 1714 Andries/ Andreas still alive .

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 10:20 PM

Sharon read the inventory distribution there are two children mentioned Jan Pietersz and Jantje Pietersz .

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 10:42 PM

Jantje also more a female name.
Definitely two separate individuals mentioned on distribution account 1716 ; first Jan Pietersz then Jantje Pietersz .
Could baptism 1714 be Joanna/ Jantje a daughter 🤔

This is a minefield him and his wife

1/3/2022 at 10:49 PM

"minderjarige Zoon Jantje Pietersz"

1/3/2022 at 10:50 PM

Delia Robertson do you have an interest in this tangle?

J P Weyers
1/3/2022 at 10:54 PM

-- and only the two of us seem to give a ×××× !

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