In rabbinic literature it is written that he is a descendant (among others of):
MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג
Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz, ״HaShala HaKadosh״
Rabbi Meir ben Gadalya "Maharam of Lublin"
Shmuel Eliezer haLevi Eideles, MaHarSha
I'm trying to figure out ,and solve the puzzle, so far I have not been able to.
Does anyone know how he is their descendant?
I'm sorry, I was wrong about one thing: it is written about his father that he is their descendant. This is his profile
Maor Hagola haZadik Rabbi Shraga Feiwel Weingott
I have an update on the subject: I spoke at length with Naftali Walkstein, he says all the things I wrote are completely true.
Some of the connections how he is their offspring are written on his computer and he will pass it on to me, some of the connections are lost.
I will update when I have more information