Robert Corbet, Lord of Moreton, MP, Sheriff of Shropshire - Too many daughters ?

Started by Erica Howton on Tuesday, December 28, 2021
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12/28/2021 at 7:51 AM

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Husband of Margaret (Burley) Mallory
Father of Sir Roger Corbet, Kt.; Elizabeth (Corbet) Sandford; Thomas Corbet, of Moreton Corbet; Dorothy (Corbet) Kynaston; Jane (Corbet) Cornewall; Juliana (Corbet) Peshall; Mary (Corbet) Charleton; Blanche (Corbet) Coningsby and Juliana (Corbet) Pershall

And wants to be also Lady Alice Winnesbury

No notes in profile I see on who he really had ….

12/28/2021 at 7:58 AM

Robert Corbet, Esq., Sheriff & Justice of the Peace of Shropshire was born circa 1383 at of Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England; Age 12 in 1396. He married Margaret circa 1408; They had 2 sons (Thomas; & Sir Roger) & 3 daughters (Juliane (Anne), wife of Sir John Sandford, & of Sir Hugh Peshale; Dorothy, wife of Philip Kynaston; & Mary, wife of Robert Charleton, Esq.).[2] Robert Corbet, Esq., Sheriff & Justice of the Peace of Shropshire died on 12 August 1420.


Margaret b. c 1387, d. 26 Jan 1439


  1. Thomas
  2. Sir Roger
  3. Juliane (Anne), wife of Sir John Sandford, & of Sir Hugh Peshale
  4. Dorothy, wife of Philip Kynaston
  5. Mary, wife of Robert Charleton, Esq


  1. ↑ Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 292.
  2. ↑ Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 67-68.
  3. Royal Ancestry 2013 D. Richardson Vol. II p. 292
  4. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition , by Frederick Lewis Reference: 26 May 2003
  6. The Genealogist (1877-1922), (Old Series, 7 volumes, 1877-1883. New Series, 38 volumes, 1884-1922. London: George Bell, 1877-1922), FHL book 942 B2gqm; see FHL catalog for list of vo., vol. 37 p. 50..
  7. History of Parliament online: CORBET, Robert (1383-1420), of Moreton Corbet, Salop
  8. The family of Corbet; its life and times Page 243
12/28/2021 at 8:38 AM

Thanks Erica Howton!

12/28/2021 at 9:09 AM

I understand that Robert CORBET 1383-1420 had 2 sons and 3 daughters. Juliana (Julianna) SANDFORD/PERSHALL was my 15th great grandmother. The other 2 daughters were Elizabeth SANDFORD and Dorothy (Dorothea) KYNASTON.
I don't know where the others mentioned fit in.

12/28/2021 at 9:17 AM

This gets a little confused.


The eldest son Thomas had died some years previously, as before stated. We read of three daughters. Elizabeth married George or John Sandford, of Sandford, Co. Salop; Dorothea married Philip Kynastone, of Walford ; and Mary or Maria married Robert Cherlton, of Apley, Co. Salop.

The family of Corbet; its life and times by Augusta Elizabeth Brickdale Corbet (c.1914)

Private User
12/28/2021 at 9:31 AM

Unfortunately, it is at *this exact point* that "The family of Corbet" cannot be trusted, because the author swallowed the (massively flawed) Visitations of Shropshire whole. Robert Corbet's wife was a Margaret, yes, but NOT a Mallory - she only became one with her second marriage, to William Mallory of Papworth St. Agnes. (By birth she was probably a Burley, and very likely the daughter of Robert Corbet's guardian, John Burley.)

Justin, Erica and I did some heavy-duty digging into this period because Sir William and Margaret's son, Thomas Mallory of Papworth, was and is the #2 candidate for authorship of the "Morte d'Arthur"! (He takes a handicap vs. Sir Thomas Malory of Newbold Revel because there is no evidence that Thomas of Papworth was ever knighted or a prisoner, whereas Thomas of Newbold was most certainly both.)

12/28/2021 at 9:47 AM

So at least we can progress to the next generation. :)

I think the main confusion is Sandford / Corbett / Pershall.

John (or George) Sandford married Elizabeth Sandford

Was she the sister of, same as, or confabulated with Juliana Pershall who was the widow of John Sandford, of Sandford and had an unnatural number of children with Sir Hugh Peshall, Kt.

(I separated out extra kids to wife of Hugh Peshall)

12/28/2021 at 9:49 AM

Stirnet makes Juliana & Elizabeth the same:

(A) Hugh Peshall of Horsley, Sheriff of Staffordshire m. Juliana (or Elizabeth) Corbet (dau of Sir Robert Corbet of Morton Corbet)


Main source(s): Visitation (Staffordshire, 1614 & 1663-4, Peshall of Horsley), BEB1841 (Peshall of Horsley) with a little support/input from King's Staffordshire Pedigrees (1664-1700, Pershall or Peshall)

12/28/2021 at 9:51 AM


Sir Hugh Peshall of Horseley, eldest son of Nicholas, was knighted in 1485. He was Justice of the Peace for 1485-7,* and was appointed as Sheriff of Stafford in 1488, his name being recorded in some contemporary manuscripts^ as Sir Hugh Persall.

Sir Hugh married Julia, daughter of Corbet of Moreton, by whom he had a son and heir, Humphrey. Sir Hugh took part in the battle of Bosworth Field (1485), where he was knighted on the field of battle.' He was later appointed Sheriff of Stafford.

He was a knight of the King's Body-guard, and in the Patent Roll of i Henry VII. pt. 4, m. 205, we find the following letter : ' For Sir Hugh Peshale, Knt. : ….

12/28/2021 at 9:53 AM

Is Juliana in the right generation? Surely Sir Hugh was not knighted at age 70? (1485)

12/28/2021 at 10:15 AM

This undocumented tree (submitted pedigree) makes more chronological sense.

Julianna (Anna) Corbet

  • Birth: Abt 1348 of Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England

Father: Robert Corbet, Lord of Wattlesburgh & Moreton Corbet
Mother: Elizabeth Strange


John Sandford, Lord md. Abt 1374 of Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England


  • 1.  Richard Sandford b. Abt 1448

Hugh Peshall md. Abt 1394 of Moreton Corbet, Shropshire, England



Will try to get snippets of Richardson books.

12/28/2021 at 12:29 PM

Note that Maven previously mentioned flawed Shropshire Visitations.


JA Tappero
Sep 3, 1996, 12:00:00

Thought maybe the following would be of help.

The book "The Family of Corbet : It's Life and Times" is by Augusta
Elizabeth Brickdale; pub. London: St. Catherine Press. 1914-1920. It is in
two volumes, both of which can be found on film at the LDS Family History
Library, and can be ordered to your local center. Vol. 1 and 2 are on film

  1. 908350, item 1, 2, and a second filming of volume 2 on #962462, item 3.

Volume 2, p. 245- contains the material on Robert Corbet. "He married
Margaret Mallory as quite a young man, for his eldest son was of age to be
knighted about 1422 or so."......... "His eldest son Thomas predeceased
him in 1436"..........."Thomas the eldest son, died about 1436, leaving no
heir. His father, Sir Robert, died we think about 1438-9, as at those
dates and
1440 we have the acknowledgment of the homage of his heir, Sir Roger
Corbet, and the record of the death of his mother, Margaret Mallory."

The Visitation of Shropshire, 1623, taken from; "The Publications of The
Harleian Society", vol. XXVIII, shows the death of Robert Corbet as 17 H.
6 (1439) and his wife as "Margareta filia Will'i Mallory militis."
(Margaret the daughter of William Mallory, knight or soldier). They are
shown with the following children: Elizabetha uxor Georgij Sandford de
Sandford in co. Salop; Dorothea uxor Philippi Kynaston de Walford in com.
Salop; Thomas Corbet, ob. s.p.; Rogerus Corbet miles ob. married
Elizabetha filia et haeres Thomae Hopton; Maria uxor Rob'ti Charlton de
Apley in co. Salop.

In the introduction it states "There is another copy of the Visitation of
1623 in the School Library at Shrewsbury, and by the kindness of the
School Committee we have been able to incorporate a collation of this
interesting MS. in the present volume, which therefore consists of Harl.
MS. 1396, with additions from Harl. MSS. 615 and 1241, and from the
Shrewsbury MS., and comprises the Visitations of 1569, 1584, and 1623 . To
distinguish these various MSS., Harl. MS. 1396 is printed in ordinary
Roman type, the additions from Harl. MS. 1241 are printed in italics, the
additions from Harl. MS. 615 are printed in italics within parentheses,
and the additions and variations taken from the Shrewsbury MS. are printed
in italics within square brackets." The entries for Roger Corbet and
Margaret Mallory are in ordinary Roman type which would have come
exclusively from the
Visitation of 1623.

As for the time he served as Sheriff of Shropshire, on film #510646,
"Phillips manuscripts", filmed at the Public Library, Shrewsbury, England,
Robert is shown as serving as sheriff in 1419. This is in a list of The
Sheriff's of Shropshire, and shows that almost all of them only served for
one year.

Hope this helps in some way. I am looking forward to this thread
continuing so that maybe this can be decided. I have some other sources to
look at the next time I'm at the Family History Library which will
probably be Monday or Tuesday. One is the Acts of Office for the diocese
of Hereford, 1407-1480, a MS filmed at the County Record Office in
Hereford and concerning the proceedings of the Consistory court.
Shropshire is included.

12/28/2021 at 12:41 PM

The Visitation of Shropshire, Taken in the Year 1623, Volume 1. By Robert Treswell, Augustine Vincent. Page 135. GoogleBooks

12/28/2021 at 12:51 PM

And at

Do we take this as the correct list of children?

If so, Juliana becomes quite problematic- and she’s the one of most interest, I think.

Private User
12/28/2021 at 3:50 PM

Robert Corbet - and his brother Roger, who got completely left off the Visitations - just barely squeak into the History of Parliament Online ahead of the 15th Century Pothole. Robert is listed with 2 sons, 0 daughters (which may merely mean the article authors weren't able to find mentions of any).

Brother Roger:

12/28/2021 at 4:07 PM

CORBET, Roger (d.1430), of Shrewsbury and 'Culseys', Salop

Family and Education

b. aft. 1383, yr. s. of Sir Roger Corbet*, and bro. of Robert*. m. by 1426, Elizabeth, o. surv. da. of Sir William Lichfield† of Eastham, Worcs. by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir John Cornwall* of Kinlet, Salop, 1da.2

… He attended the shire elections held at Shrewsbury castle in 1410 and 1413 (May), at both of which fellow Fitzalan retainers were elected (John Burley I and David Holbache in 1410, and his own brother and Richard Lacon in 1413); and he was to be closely associated with his brother, Lacon, Burley’s son John, John Wele* and John Wynnesbury* in the allegations of lawless behaviour in Shropshire made at the Parliament at Leicester in April 1414, and in the many indictments brought before the King’s bench sitting at Shrewsbury that summer. Among the indictments levelled against Corbet himself were the charges that he had

12/28/2021 at 4:08 PM

The wardship of his daughter Margaret, then aged only three, was granted by the earl of Warwick to John Wood I*, a Worcestershire lawyer. Margaret inherited her grandfather Lichfield’s estates in 1446, having in the meantime married Humphrey Stafford of Frome.6

12/28/2021 at 4:11 PM

(I’ve seen Juliana as a daughter of Roger, but apparently not Roger Sr.)

CORBET, Sir Roger (d.1395), of Moreton Corbet, Salop.

Family and Education

3rd s. of Sir Robert Corbet† (d.1375), of Moreton Corbet by Elizabeth, da. of Fulk, 1st Lord Strange of Blackmere. m. by 1382, Margaret (d. 14 Nov. 1395), da. of Sir Giles Erdington of Erdington, Warws.,1 2s. Robert* and Roger*, 2da. Kntd. by Mar. 1388.

12/28/2021 at 4:13 PM

I’m thinking the Pershall’s made Juliana up.

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