Sarah Rachel Shipley (Dorsey) - ANOTHER BOGUS "SARAH RACHEL"!!!

Started by Private User on Wednesday, December 22, 2021
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Private User
12/22/2021 at 12:59 PM

Why don't you EVER READ the "About" section! This profile is BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS!!!!!

12/22/2021 at 1:26 PM

Just to make sure - this Shipley wife was a Sarah, parents known?

There’s a comment here:

Gary Boyd ROBERTS' Ancestors of American Presidents says that Ralph E. PEARSON also indicates Lucy SHIPLEY of VA, NC, & KY was most likely the mother of Nancy HANKS.Two others who have researched & reached that conclusion are Raymond Martin BELL& Christopher C. CHILD.

This has been disproved by MT DNA studies.

Private User
12/22/2021 at 1:35 PM

Link to the topic:

Unfortunately, the FAKE Shipley line continues to propagate from family trees on and off the Web.

The HUMONGOUS red flag is the bogus "Sarah Rachel" name. There is no such name ANYWHERE among ANY of the Anne Arundel Dorseys. Sarahs, yes; Rachels, yes - but NO "Sarah Rachel". And none of the Sarahs OR Rachels married any Shipley.

12/22/2021 at 2:02 PM

Apparently the Shipley connection to President Lincoln was disproved in 1929.

10. The assertion that Abraham was first married to Mary Shipley was refuted by William E. Barton, The Lineage of Lincoln, 1929, pp. 71-73, 176, 178, 181-183.From pp. 71-72, regarding Robert and Mary Shipley of Lunenburg County, Virginia, and their alleged five daughters, "...these five daughters are not to be found in the Virginia records." Barton's final statement on the alleged Mary Shipley, page 182: "There is not a dot on an i nor the cross of a t in any contemporary record to show that Abraham Lincoln of Virginia had any other wife than Bathsheba. Mary Shipley Lincoln is a fictitious character."

I’ll add to the MP for Captain Abraham Lincoln, I

Isn’t Dorsey supposed to have had Royal ancestry?

Private User
12/22/2021 at 3:40 PM

No, the Dorseys were allegedly related to the D'Arcys (a Norman family with a branch that invaded Ireland).

Y-DNA research upset that applecart - the Norman D'Arcys turned out to have a weird haplotype (E-M35), while the Maryland Dorseys had ye olde R-M269 and subclades (and were probably originally native Irish O'Dorchaides).

Apparently a fair number of O'Dorchaides, *besides* the Maryland lot, opted for "Darcy" also (because shorter, simpler and more prestigious).

12/22/2021 at 3:55 PM

I’m taking apart the Shipley daughters who belonged to Ann Lee Hanks.

(No Name)
1/21/2022 at 8:35 AM

OMG! I love it when you shout Private User ........
It's exciting - I mean that

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