Gisulf I, duke of Friuli - Family of this Gisulf

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Friday, December 17, 2021
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It appears to me, from the info on MeLands that this Gisulf is the great-grandson of Queen Menia by an unnamed child of her son Audoin.

in this Gisulf's About section comes from the section of Gisulf who was one of two children of Audoin, who was a son of Queen Menia.

This is Menia, Audoin's mother and great-grandmother of this Gisulf (if he hasn't been confused with another Gisulf, since there are several):

Ménia, a Lombard

These are duplicate profiles for Menia's son Audoin:


Audoin, king of the Lombards

The child of Audoin who was the father of the Gisulf whose info is in the About section of this profile isn't name, appears to be unknown.

Yes, very interesting @Debbie,
we now have to notify some (C) to pass through here (all nodes mined by blocks:)

for example also if for wiki ENG Gisulf I, duke of Friuli is son of Grasulf l of Friuli (but in the profile there is a negative note).. any case Medland agrees that Gisulf I, duke of Friuli is nephew of Alboin, King of the Lombards

So if there is really a reason to exclude the father-son connection (presumed?),
in any case we can still proceed with the nephew-uncle connection, through an "X profile".

I also call also (C) Erica Howton who likes Italian antiques
(..and knows the technique of "X profiles":)
*{link to the multimedia sources in the info about of the profiles mentioned}

& about the tree duplication which still offers a good suggestion now to study and document..
..I strongly suggest that Erica Howton (C) cut & mark DUP the parents (tree) of DUP tree do not merge Rodelinda as soon as possible

/!\ because over her mother Amalaberga, BIG DUP TREE dont merge over there are 15 generations perfectly cloned and branched ^^' /!\

DUP crawl space connection #2:
PLZ Erica Howton CUT MP husband of Basina of Thuringia von Thüringen, DUP

then working on DUP node connection of König der Franken Chlothar I de Soissons I, DUP T.T

CUT every parents of Baderic, DUP
it should begin to detach large chunks of the DUP tree

DUP Tree Do Not Merge Ansbertus Is not identified so I’ll cut / isolate around there, but won’t send for deleting until we can examine for anything new & useful. It is an abandoned tree.

Useful to preserve this, isn’t it? Blithildis

OMG! the trees exactly duplicated were 2 or 3 !? LOL
(I have gerded some on themselves)

((the interesting cut point is this millenary "false historical" profile :))

Gisulf I, duke of Friuli is my 40th great grandfather.
Basina of Thuringia, DUP is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's first cousin five times removed's husband's grandmother.
Blithilde, false historian daughter of Clothar I is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's third great aunt.
Audoin is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's fifth great uncle.
Amalaberga, BIG DUP TREE dont merge over is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's fifth great uncle's wife's mother.
Grasulf of Friuli is my 22nd great grandmother's husband's second great aunt's husband's fourth great uncle's wife's aunt's husband's brother.
Alboin, King of the Lombards is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's third great aunt's husband.
Chlothar I, DUP is m 32nd great grandfather's wife's first cousin five times removed's husband.
Audoin, king of the Lombards is my 22nd great grandmother's husband's second great aunt's husband's fourth great uncle's wife's aunt's husband's father.
Baderic, DUP is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's fifth great uncle.
DUP tree do not merge Rodelinda is my 32nd great grandfather's wife's fifth great uncle's wife.
Ménia, a Lombard is m 32nd great grandfather's wife's fifth great grandmother.

Baderic, DUP Cut.

Yes, it looked like a Gedcom upload 3 times.

good, very nice lightening.. if you lighten the 15 generations of Amalaberga, BIG DUP TREE dont merge over

then we can talk about serious things:
-add an "X profile" as the parent of Gisulf I, duke of Friuli
& brother of Alboin, King of the Lombards

suggested exactly by ML (wiki ENG would have for it:)

suggested exactly by ML (wiki ENG would have also a name for it:)

For working with Charlemagne lineage, please spin it off to a separate discussion with Curator Sharon. She has projects etc so it’s not a such a simple thing. It’s much better if she coordinates.

I saw her very busy in a complicated Lithuanian knot, but here now after all our big cleaning, it's just a matter of notifying her:
Sharon Doubell all solved above,
there is now an important uncle-nephew genealogical connection feasible with an "X profile" suggested exactly by MedLands (wiki ENG would have also a name for it^^')

So, Medlands says GISULF . "Shield-bearer of Alboin King of the Lombards, who installed him as duke in the region of Friuli after the Longobard migration into Italy in [569][162]. Paulus Diaconus records that King Alboin installed "Gisulfum…suum nepotem" as "ducem…[in] Foroiulanæ civitati"[163]. The Chronicle of Andreas Bergomatis records that Alboin conceded Friuli to "nepoti sui Gisolfi"[164]. The precise relationship between Gisulf and King Alboin is unknown and may have been more remote than implied by "nephew" if the word nepos if translated strictly in these passages.

1."strictly" at this time, "nepos" translates as 'descendent' or 'grandchild', and the meaning 'nephew' is less often used until later. So we cannot trace the relationship accurately.
2. Even if it is translated as 'nephew', we still wouldn't have any idea whether the mother's or the father's sister or brother was indicated.

Is it a missing link for anyone's important lines? because otherwise it seems less important to add a very possibly incorrect parentage.

Sharon Doubell this is the reason why the "X profile" technique is useful again:
a connector profile, which connects the certain kinship, which is even uncertain sex:
*so father or mother, of Gisulf I, duke of Friuli
*sister or brother of Alboin, King of the Lombards
and in the same way in the internal notes we can leave all the traces of the various assumptions, for example inside I have already left that of Wiki ENG

see: --> X <--

I get that - but, it may equally be that the father / mother is child/nephew/neice of Albion. Why shut down that possibilty completely as well?
NB I'm asking for good reasons. I'm not saying we shouldn't do it.

niece :-/

yes yes I know..
and I also understand that it is to let the notified ADMINs know..
(pity nobody has anything to say, but I see that there are views on the profiles touched:)

anyway & also for exactly: it is a precisely a "variable profile" = "X profile" = "incognitus profile" to allows "nepotem / nepoti" connection line reported by primary sources..
..until better debates presentations assumptions..

{[indeed a nice "green X" (neither blu male, nor pink female) in the middle of the line should do for us: line connected exactly as per sources.. but not easily, clearly as Wiki assume (and provably the online DIYs that I haven't even consulted:)]}

Livio, it's not about the X - we'd make it a NN profile - it's about the fact of where it is positioned and the way that shuts down other relationship possibilities altogether.

The issue is the word “nepos” and what relationship was meant by it at the time. If we had more than the single reference, maybe we could get more precise: surely there’s more to be found?

A simple definition:

Nepos is a Latin word originally meaning “grandson” or “descendant", that evolved with time to signify "nephew".

nothing to the contrary, in fact it is just while someone are doing it, we can reunite the line here on GENi all broken up, so much so that people try to reunite it by duplicating 1,2,3 times ..

for example following the first message of this discussion, above we have just inserted the medland sourced: Ménia, a Lombard
which is in effect the DUP node of Ménia, a Lombard
(very clearly explained in all multilingual wikis, one more referenced than the other)

The multingual wikis aren't quoting primary sources. (Cawley is) Can you find them and quote the here?

You are not addressing the nepos relationship issue at all.

Sorry I did not understand: you want me to provide you with the primary sources of MP GENI 2007 locked NODE Ménia, a Lombard ? :D

(because I don't think you might want me to provide you with the MLs already comfortably inside * Ménia, a Lombard true?:)

wikipedia explains the thing of the thing about "Pissæ regis" / "king of the Thüringians"
because of the sources of being called differently from its respective sources and from the Lombard ones... obviously there is to read and understand more than a page..
(I put the interesting and more explanatory passages directly into the profile, with the linck to read them in full from the page where I find them: example see Basinus II, king of the Thüringians ;)
..& not everything in genealogy is based just only on primary sources there are also deductions from historians published in encyclopedias listed there.. where at a certain point the world of historians by mutual agreement, having seen the general framework of their studies, agree on the inevitability of deductions: and so they officially publish them in the history books.
(obviously who means "but you weren't there and you can't know" they will come forward:)

[then about the "nepos" I just don't know what you think I can do, search, find ..bho let me know:]

I used this method a couple of years ago to connect two different families that lived around 1150-1200 in Sweden. they was only mentioned as nepos, didn't select any gender, but according to info it was on the womans side, connecting to another relative, it worked as a bridge.
Put in all the info in that profile, and why it was there. Hope is is still connected.

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