PTID:6000000180581705843:6000000077143652909 i connected the two men with a foster relationship, it is easy enough to disconnect them again if there is a good argument not to have it.
Here is some info about Adelstein, Athelstan.
Geni link is :
Æthelstan 'the Glorious', 1st King of the English
Info about me and Adelstein.
Æthelstan 'the Glorious', 1st King of the English is your 32nd great uncle.
The problem with this, is what is real FACT or not?
It was a practice to have a child growing up with another family.
This could be of advantage to both families.
There are many examples of this in different cultures and at different times.
However it creates problems if a biological bond is stated or shown - when there is no biological bond.
The practise of raising children of others was not an adoption as we see in today’s society.
As it is now shown in the Geni profile of Aethelstan Håkan appears as his son.
In Håkan’s profiles ancestry Aethelstan is shown as an ancestor.
I suggest that the links as father-son are cut.
Instead it could be stated in text in the profiles. (If the sources are accepted.)
Reidar Holmsen I have lodged a help ticket with Geni to request they look at this.
If you scroll further down Aethelstan's page you'll see Hakon listed as his foster-son and of course Hakon's own page is correct.
Hopefully it is a simple fix that can be resolved quickly.