Stephen Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger - painting

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Private User
вчера в 3:42 после полудня

Is this an actual painting of Stephen Hopkins?

вчера в 3:55 после полудня

No, it’s from cover art for his biography:

There is no known image made in his lifetime.

вчера в 4:20 после полудня

That is from a painting by Mike Haywood which was used on the cover of the Hopkins biography, "Here Shill I Die Ashore" - which I strongly recommend for anybody interested in Stephen Hopkins. It is not of Hopkins directly, but rather what Haywood thinks he might have looked like.

Private User
вчера в 5:53 после полудня

In any case it does look much nicer that the generic head :p!

Pretty cool some of us even ponders these things any more … and that it does still matter :)

вчера в 7:06 после полудня

Too bad that no limners, i. e. unschooled portrait painters that worked in the colonies, were along on the Mayflower or any early migration as far as I know.

вчера в 8:04 после полудня

Mike Haywood assured me years ago in an email that this was “a generic man of the time”.

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