Col. Argall Yeardley, Sr. - Need a curator please and thank you

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, October 21, 2021
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10/21/2021 at 1:47 PM

Does Ann need to be merged or disconnected, please?

Private User
10/21/2021 at 5:35 PM

Somebody's been screwing with the Custises and they're getting all messed up.

Col. Argall Yeardley married Ann Custis, daughter of Henry Custis and Joan Whittington (widow), circa 1649 at Rotterdam, Holland.

John Custis I and Joane Smithier had NO. CHILDREN. (that the Miles Files know of, which means if there *were* any, they never came to America).

(And John Custis II was Ann Custis' brother - he was NOT the son of John Custis I.)

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