George Ross - George Ross in Sweden

Started by Erica Howton on Wednesday, October 13, 2021
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10/13/2021 at 11:38 AM

Cross posting: - Private User wrote:

This Finnish line William Ross has a brother in Sweden called George (also called Jöran, Jurgen), I wrote about him here with sources at march. There are lot of info of George, but none of them in Geni. We can try to start discussion if there are interested parties from Sweden to start to built the tree.
There seem to be one profile, it was at first wrong name "Rosen" that was also old Estonian baltic german name, many thought Ross came from Germany, George Ross (George Ross)
Children and more info here:
info here:

10/13/2021 at 11:45 AM

Cross posting: - Maarit Birgitta From wrote:

Theres Ross descendants in Finland. Actually my bloodline as well.
I´m interested to know whether theres any related Haplogroup for them? ( Descendants of Ninian Ross )
William Ross

William Ross moved first to Stockholm in 1617 as a political refugee with his father George. Ten years after that he moved to Turku (Åbo) and after that to Uusi Karlepyy where he worked as a sales-agent. Later he moved to Vaasa and he had company which sold tar to Stockholm. He became one of the richest man in the Vaasa region.

William Ross...

Unfortynately since the Vaasa city and town was burned down to the ground in 1852, only a little documents have survived. It is very hard to find information of Ross´s and their whereabouts.

10/13/2021 at 11:46 AM

So - we need to connect William Ross in Turku as brother of George Ross?

10/13/2021 at 11:48 AM

Or Is it father George and son William? - Hannu-Matti Johannes Järvinen wrote:
To Maarit Birgitta From: Yet many websites state that the Finnish Rosses are descendants of Ninian Ross, Lord of Halkhead, this is probably not true. The most probable line goes through Rosses of Kindeace (the older branch) to Rosses of Balnagowan. This is backed up by the coats of arms Herman Ross (the last male Ross in Finland) sent to the House of Nobility in Finland. He was not granted permission to use it since he couldn't give documents reliable enough. Anyway, the coat of arms is the one of Rosses of Kindeace,

The problem is that, as far as I know, nobody has found Scottish data about George Ross and his son, William. William was born in 1598, but we don't know much about George. He came to Stockholm in 1617 as you wrote, but there isn't any more information about him. Since his father's name was said to be Hugh, one alternative is Hugh Ross of Kindeace, born 1532, died 1622, but I haven't seen any Scottish documents if he had another son in addition to Walter.

Since I used the coat of arms to connect the Finnish Rosses to Rosses of Balnagowan, I have to note the coats of arms of Rosses of Halkhead in Geni are of Rosses of Balnagowan. I wrote about that to the maintainers but they haven't changed it.

And yes, I'm also a descendant of William Ross.

10/13/2021 at 11:52 AM

Is it this George Ross as father of William and George?


Tagging Erik Wilhelm Sjöblom we’ve chatted about this line recently.

Private User
10/13/2021 at 3:22 PM

Yes, I send the link and some others to Erik, that is the link I added at february in this discussion, but afterwards that discussion was more about American Ross line, so yei, this is good to have separate one.

I started adding some names to the tree. Hope we can find some duplicates in some where, if not, quite easy to find sources but needs work.

There were brothers William and George. George Ross is their father. William and his first descendants lived Finland and they are all found (There were only "one" Scottish Ross-family in Finland, we still have only
5 000 000 people at our whole country :) ).

George Ross lived in Sweden - that family needs to get written here from:

Private User
10/13/2021 at 3:56 PM

(Finland was part of Sweden at those years, so the trade was continuous and supplies, silk, fabrics, tar, changed places on the west coast of Finland to Sweden daily.)

10/13/2021 at 10:06 PM

"Some genealogists have connected William Ross of Vasa, Finland to George Ross of
Haddington, Lauder in Scotland. The authors have been in correspondence with Bertil
Rostedt, who claims descendance from William Ross of Vasa. Rostedt has a letter dated
1817 written by an ancestor seeking ennoblement for the Ross family in Finland. This letter
specifies that William Ross had a brother, George, who was established in Stockholm and
with whom William engaged in trade during the 1630s."


10/13/2021 at 10:42 PM

From the same source as above: "Ross moved from Stockholm to Sigtuna in the 1660s. There is one surviving letter from Ross to Queen Christina (undated) which is marked with the word ‘bankruptcy’, indicating that his Stockholm existence had perhaps come to a premature end. Further, a letter he wrote to Chancellor Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie in 1669 provides evidence that Ross owed his new position as customs officer to the Chancellor’s influence."

This "surviving letter" somewhere archived perhaps?

10/14/2021 at 6:17 AM

I hope you whe knows more about DNA in geneology find this site useful:

10/14/2021 at 6:26 AM

I have today added several (perhaps all the rest) siblings to Agnetha Ross, added by "S" yesterday - see Anna Ross

10/14/2021 at 6:35 AM

Absolutely it is the George Ross Erica asked about above (and tagged me in to get my reply). That is the one, and at Geni I am told: "George Ross is your 10th great grandfather".

Private User
10/14/2021 at 10:04 AM

Thank you so much Erik. I think here might be something, there are still so much in Swedish archives that are not thoroughly researched nor necessarily exported to the Internet yet. Palm & Olin is good start.

About Sigtuna Scots with Military Connections: four Scottish officers serving in the Swedish army who can definitely be linked to Sigtuna. These men are: Alexander Craufurd (Crawford?),
Patrick Rutherford, James Seton and Humphrey Cunningham - I haven't still checked if they are in Geni, if not - there are plenty to start a project. It would be great to get our Swedesh families excited, now building those old trees is often dependent on Finnish projects.

Private User
10/14/2021 at 10:26 AM

I put this old blog also here, there are some mistakes, but good inspiration and from the same "three lions" family.

Private User
10/14/2021 at 11:33 AM

Johan Ross

Joskus myös näitä Suomesta Ruotsissa töissä kävässeitä voisi tutkailla, missä asuneet (sukulaisten hoteissa usein tuohon aikaan tyypillisesti), vaikka kuoli suhteellisen nuorena kuitenkin ehti toimia Västmanlandin ja Taalainmaan laamanninoikeuden notaarina 1696. Myös kanslisti suuressa lakikomissiossa Tukholmassa 1698.

Private User
10/14/2021 at 12:19 PM

I do not have doubt for William and George being brothers. BUT were their fathers name also George?

it says above that father was in debt in Sweden, but so was son George, many times, but they were business men - is it anyway possible that they are talking about the brother George, not the father?

What is the source that the father had debt "William's father was George Ross who came from Kindeis in Scotland and who was in debt in Sweden in 1617" And what is the source for fathers name? and year 1617, I assume there is source for specific year, son George was too young at that time.

Decades there were typewriter texts and copies at my household where was this "father called Hugh" and it does not let me be. This is just speculation though. Maybe Hugh is grand father.

Private User
10/14/2021 at 1:11 PM

If you find with name Ross from that page, there are plenty of clues, can you help finding them in Geni, Plenty of People.

Gustaf Ross (1706-41) var en av de tidiga superkargörerna i ostindiska kompaniet. Han genomförde tre resor som superkargör, en på Fredericius Rex Sueciae 1735-36 och två ombord på Stockholm åren 1737-42. På den sista resan dog han i Kanton. Han syster Maria Elisabeth Ross (1703-38) var gift med Frans Bedoire. De var barn till skepparen Niklas Ross (-1705) i Norrköping.

I found them here (they are also gang of three lions, as I like to call them :) ) But many more needs to be added to Geni

Gustaf Ross

Private User
10/14/2021 at 1:39 PM

Finding living descendant from "three lion gang in Sweden" can help. In Finland we do not have direct Ross male descendant for William Ross, but we might have one in Sweden - for George. With direct Y-DNA testing and wide other testing from male and female descendants we can maybe get somewhere, if we just continue detective work.;

"I Göteborg fanns också en George Ross som bodde tillsammans med och gjorde affärer ihop med Hugh Ross och alltså sannolikt var bror eller son till Hugh Ross."

That link gets us here: but instead of 1700- they take us to "our" George/Jöran Ross who is fighting in the court

So, now here are many sources that need more reading, and adding profiles to Geni. We have a good start here, thank you all, Saga

10/14/2021 at 2:26 PM

This is doing great! Keep it coming.

- your American cousin somehow

10/14/2021 at 2:39 PM

Remember the now erased "genealogy" telling about William Ross (b. 1598) and his father George, who's father's name was told to be "Hugh"? - That we could not proove, but, the name is interesting. Does these guys in Sweden add to our progress or lack of luck?

10/14/2021 at 3:32 PM

In the text I just linked to, this: /.../" It is circumstantially very likely that the cause of the fateful duel on “Duel Hill” just east of Tain, between Hugh Ross of Shandwick and Hugh Ross of Achnacloich on 13 June 1721, was at least partly political since Shandwick fled almost immediately to Gothenburg in Sweden, the home of many Jacobite exiles. We also know other members of his family, including his younger brothers Alexander and George, and nephew Andrew McCulloch joined him there. He was the son of Hugh’s sister Isabella and Robert McCulloch a merchant in Tain."/.../

10/14/2021 at 3:50 PM

/.../"The traditions heard in boyhood have made us all very familiar with a sad event which took place early in last century. There is a sandhill in the Fendom with which is connected the tradition of a duel fought between two neighbouring proprietors–Ross of Shandwick and Ross of Achnaclaich, who are said to have quarrelled at the time of a market. Achnaclaich was killed, and Ross of Shandwick, escaping on horseback, expatriated himself in Sweden. Bloodshed, it would appear, was not so lightly thought of then by the judicial authorities as at the time of the previous homicide I have mentioned. The impression this event made on the popular mind is evidenced by the careful preservation and renewal, generation after generation, of the footprints of the combatants at the spot where they fought, and of the prints of the hoofs of the fugitive's horse on the moist ground as he galloped over what has ever since been known as "The Duel Hill." What man here does not remember the awe with which, as a boy, he looked on those deep-cut marks, while listening to the story of the duel and of the flight?"/.../

10/14/2021 at 3:52 PM
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