Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson - 35th Great Grandfather

Started by Ole-Christian Meek on Friday, August 20, 2021
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Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is your 35th great grandfather.
→ Tommy Meek
your father → Aud Karin Meek
his mother → Harald Birger Visnes
her father → Hans Jakobss. Visnes
his father → Mari Anna Johannesdatter Visnes
his mother → Johannes Johannessen Visnes
her father → Johannes Johannessen Øverland
his father → Johannes Torsteinsen Høgset
his father → Torstein Iversen Trygge Høgset
his father → Iver Torsteinson Trygge Høgset
his father → Torstein Ivarson Trygge
his father → Ivar Audunsson Aspa
his father → Auden Torsteinson Veidholmen
his father → Gudrun Jonsdatter
his mother → Jon Ivarsson Lund
her father → Ingrid Jonsdatter Kraage
his mother → Ingeborg Trygvesdatter Aspa
her mother → Guro Gunnarsdatter Aspen
her mother → Gunnar Sigurdson Aspen
her father → Sigurd Gunnarson Aspen
his father → Gunnar Toraldeson Aspen
his father → Toralde Ivarson Aspen
his father → Ingeborg Audunsdatter Aspa
his mother → Auden Haraldsen Sure
her father → Harald Håkonson Sure
his father → Håkon Eriksson Sure
his father → Erik Haraldsson Sure
his father → Harald Håkonsson Yngling
his father → Kong Håkon Magnussen Toresfostre
his father → Tore «Steigar-Tore» Tordsson
his foster father → Isrid Gudbrandsdotter
his mother → Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
her mother → Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
her mother → Auðun Bjarnason Skökull
her father → Bjørn Steinarson Hunde
his father → Åløf Ragnarsdotter Ragnarsdóttir
his mother → Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
her father

I’ve never had any information about my family, so I started searching few years ago and crossmatched ever name i found, but this is my grestest discovery!

My 31st grt grandfather

My 34th great grandfather.

My33th grt Grandfather
Check up if you are relative to Rurik that was building Rusland from Novgorod. He was organisate Rusland with his brother and there is a lot to read about him in Nestors Krönika.

Hola Ole-Christian
Adjunto ruta de Parentesco
Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio's 31st great grandfather!

Raúl Castro Chacón, Capitán de Navio



Raúl Castro Puga
your father



Homero Castro Echeverría
his father



Eloísa Echeverría Castro
his mother



José Ramón Echeverría Ruiz-Tagle
her father



Diego Echeverría Larraín
his father



Mónica Josefa Larraín Lecaros
his mother



Francisco de Larraín de la Cerda
her father



Mónica Teresa de la Cerda y Hermúa
his mother



Juan de la Cerda Méndez de Contreras
her father



Alfonso Messía de la Cerda Poblete
his father



Alonso Juan Messía de la Cerda Torres
his father



Melchor Messía de la Cerda
his father



Leonor Rodríguez de la Cerda, Señora de La Vega de Armijo
his mother



Alfonso Fernández de la Cerda, Señor de Almendra y Sardeal
her father



Juan Alfonso de la Cerda de Castilla, señor de Gibraleón
his father



Mathilde De Brienne-Eu
his mother



Beatrix De Châtillon
her mother



Mafalda de Brabante
her mother



María von Hohenstaufen
her mother



Felipe de Suabia
her father



Emperador Federico I Hohenstaufen, "Barbarroja"
his father



Da. Judith de Welfos
his mother



her mother



Magnus Billung, of Saxony
her father



Ulfhild van Sarpsbergen van Noorwegen
his mother



Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
her father



Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
his mother



Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
her mother



Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
her mother



Auðun Bjarnason Skökull
her father



Björn Hunda-Steinarson
his father



Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
his mother



Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
her father

Saluda a Ud
Raúl Castro Chacón
Capitán de Navio

37th ggf for me

The path you both quote to Ragnar are through his daughter, Álöf.
The only mention of Álöf that survives to this day is in https://www.geni.com/projects/Landn%C3%A1mab%C3%B3k-The-Book-of-Settlements/34197 where the story of Auðun Bjarnason Skökull is recorded.

Auðun Bjarnason Skökull migrated to Iceland around 900AD and his story was recorded in Landnamabok sometime around 1200AD. The opening line of the section about Auðun tells that his father's mother (Álöf) was the daughter of Ragnar loðbrók...

The history of Landnamabok itself is fascinating before you even consider the stories that it is recounting.

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is your 33rd great grandfather.

My 36th Great Grandfather

My 35th great grandfather

My 33rd Great Grandfather and BONUS: My 34th Great Grandmother's partner

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
is my 35th great grandfather

Raagnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is my 34th great grandfather.

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is my 34th great grandfather.

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is my 32nd great grandfather.
You Ingrida Cinkmane (Dzelvite)
→ Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe)
your mother → Jānis Grāpe(Grahpe)
her father → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch
his father → Carl Arnold Bar. von Vietinghoff
his father → Reinhold Johann Peter von Vietinghoff
his father → Augusta Christiane Isabella Elisabet von Vietinghoff
his mother → Reinhold Gustaf von Ungern-Sternberg
her father → Reinhold VII (Renaud) von Ungern-Sternberg
his father → Helene Zoege von Manteuffel
his mother → Helena Henriksdotter Horn af Kanckas
her mother → Anna Jönsdotter Snakenborg
her mother → Jöns Ulfsson Snakenborg (Bååt)
her father → Riksråd Ulf Henriksson Snakenborg
his father → Elin Ulfsdotter (Roos af Ervalla)
his mother → Ulf Pedersson (Roos af Ervalla)
her father → Peder Jonsson Ulfsson
his father → Ulv Jonsson (Roos af Ervalla)
his father → Baron Jon Havtoresson Roos
his father → Baron Hafthor Jonsson til Sørum
his father → Baron Jon Raud Ivarsson till Sudrheim
his father → Ragnild Gudrun Alvsdatter av Tornberg
his mother → Ingeborg Bårdsdotter Rein
her mother → Bård Skule Guttormsson Rein
her father → Lendmann Guttorm Åsulvsen Rein
his father → Lendmann Åsulv Skulesson, of Rein
his father → Gudrun Nevsteinsdatter, of Rein
his mother → Ingrid Sigurdsdatter af Vestfold
her mother → Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
her mother → Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
her mother → Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
her mother → Auðun Bjarnason Skökull
her father → Björn Hunda-Steinarson
his father → Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
his mother → Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
her father

Wow! I am the 35th Great Grandson of Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson. Through my grandmother Lula Alice Jones is the 33rd Great Granddaughter to Ragnar. My Great Grandmother Lydia Elvira Pettibone is the 34th Great Granddaughter to Ragnar,.My 2nd Great Grandmother Frances Leland Greene is the 32nd Great Granddaughter to Ragnar, and my 3rd Great Grandmother Sally Pettibone is is also Ragnar's 32nd Great Granddaughter. I am going to compare the lineages through their lineages.

Grandmother Lula Alice Jones link is: geni.com/people/Ragnar-Lodbrok-Sigurdsson/5604233735830047570

Great Grandmother Lydia Elvira Pettibone is: geni.com/people/Lydia-Bagg/6000000036084274174

2nd Great Grandmother Frances Leland Greene is: geni.com/people/Frances-Bagg/6000000036084324319

3rd Great Grandmother Sally Pettibone is: geni.com/people/Sally-Bagg/6000000036084799056

Looks like most are 35th. I am 37th. Some of my ancestors had kids earlier? :)

https://geni.com/FHGWB K4s

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is my 37th great grandfather.

32nd great grandfather for me

→ Osny Oliveira
your father → José Silvério Oliveira
his father → Judith Arcelina do Canto Rios
his mother → Rita Cândida de Castro Canto
her mother → Joaquim Pedro do Canto
her father → Joaquim Pereira do Canto
his father → José Morato do Canto
his father → Joana do Canto e Castro
his mother → Inácio do Canto e Castro
her father → Catarina de Castro
his mother → Francisco de Castro, comendador de Segura
her father → Garcia de Castro, senhor do Paul de Boquilobo
his father → Fernando (1º Senhor do Paul de Boquilobo) de Castro, 1º senhor do Paul do Boquilobo
his father → Dª. Leonor Teles de de Menezes
his mother → Guiomar Lopes Pacheco
her mother → Maria Rodriguez de Vilalobos
her mother → Teresa Sánchez de Castilla
her mother → Sancho IV el Bravo, rey de Castilla y León
her father → Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla y León
his father → Beatrix da Swabia, queen consort of Castile
his mother → Philipp von Schwaben
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Judith of Bavaria
his mother → Wulfhilda of Saxony
her mother → Magnus Billung, of Saxony
her father → Ulfhild van Sarpsbergen van Noorwegen
his mother → Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
her father → Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
his mother → Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
her mother → Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
her mother → Auðun Bjarnason Skökull
her father → Björn Hunda-Steinarson
his father → Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
his mother → Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
her father

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is Abel Ignacio Ramírez Andrade's 34th great grandfather!
Abel Ignacio Ramírez Andrade
Tú → Dr Jimeno Ramírez Perdomo
your father → Raquel Perdomo Solano
his mother → Diva Solano González
her mother → María de Jesús González Borrero
her mother → Gabriel Gonzalez Gaitan MD, Presidente Estado Soberano del Tolima 1883-84 y 85
her father → Silveria Gaitán Cardoso
his mother → Miguel Gaitán Galindo (1746-1826), Alcalde de Neiva
her father → José Ignacio Miguel Gaitán Terán
his father → Capitán Sebastián Gaitán de Mendoza y Ocampo
his father → Corregidor Juan Gaitán de Mendoza y Paredes
his father → Sebastián Gaitán de Paredes
his father → Juana Martin "La Gaitana",(Puente del Arzobispo)
his mother → Pedro González Gudiel Gaitán de Mendoza, IX señor de Oliva
her father → Juana de Mendoza Pamo de Contreras Señora de Torneros
his mother → Catalina de Contreras y Mendoza, Señora de Torneros de la Hoz
her mother → María Juana de Mendoza y Luna
her mother → Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, I Conde de Priego
her foster father → Inês Manoel de Vilhena
his mother → Henrique Manoel de Vilhena, conde de Seia
her father → Juan Manuel de Castilla-Villena, el Escritor, príncipe de Villena
his father → Juan Manuel Infante de Castilla y León, señor de Escalona
his father → Isabel Beatriz de Suabia
his mother → Felipe de Suabia
her father → Emperador Federico I Hohenstaufen, "Barbarroja"
his father → Da. Judith de Welfos
his mother → Ulfhild
her mother → Magnus Billung, of Saxony
her father → Ulfhild van Sarpsbergen van Noorwegen
his mother → Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
her father → Åsta Gudbrandsdóttir, Queen of Norway
his mother → Ulfhilde Thorasdottir
her mother → Thora Audunarsdottir Mosháls
her mother → Auðun Bjarnason Skökull
her father → Björn Hunda-Steinarson
his father → Álöf Ragnarsdóttir
his mother → Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
her father

Auðun Bjarnason Skökull is my 29th great grandfather.

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson
is my 37th great grandfather.

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is your 35th great grandfather.

Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson - 36th Great Grandfather and Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is your 25th great grandfather's wife's 7th great grandfather.

Iam very vey proud to have VIKING ANCESTORS IN MY BLOODLINE ;

Iam very vey proud to have VIKING ANCESTORS IN MY BLOODLINE ;

He is my 35th great-grandfather as well. I loved the portrayal in the series "Vikings", and love having the Viking bloodline even though it has been diluted via 35 generations.

This free preprint contains an in-depth analysis of the historical Ragnar Lodbrok: https://www.academia.edu/49511526/The_Raven_Banner_Revisited

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