Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England - Elizabeth Woodville may have died from the plague

Started by Carissa Hill on Wednesday, July 21, 2021
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7/29/2021 at 3:17 PM

Thanks for the read! Talk to text is great technology! I look like a fool using it all the time. I was able to completely understand what you said. Perhaps technology will solve the mystery with time.

I can't say I understand the War of the Roses as much as I would like to wrap my head around it. Keeping track of ancient History was never a strong suit of mine. I wonder how much of an influence it had on creating the colonies as the Royal blood line lives here in America and thus Democracy.

Everyone wants to be a King or Queen until they get locked in a tower and/or beheaded and have to spend every last bit of their money trying to protect themselves.

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