Francis, duke of Teck - Does anyone know if Prinz Francis of Teck (Teck), Duke, Count of Hohensteinhad an illigitimate children?

Started by Raymond Henry on Monday, July 12, 2021
7/12/2021 at 2:31 AM

My grandfather William Henry (of no surname) has DNA matches with the Royal Houses of Hesse, Saxe-Coberg and Romanov. He also shows an unknown Magyar ancestry which I have not been able to verify along with the House of Wurtemburg.

He was raised at Windsor, England until around 16 when he was pressured to migrate to Australia and train horses with a monetary settlement. He refused and ran away to enlist in the British Army and was sent to India for ten years. Upon his return, further amounts of money were always refused. Even sixty years after his birth further settlements were attempted and always refused.

Another reason for suspecting Prinz Francis of Teck was Wurttemburg shares a dominance of a similar 4000-year-old DNA (R-Z36) from the La Tene culture.
Also, Prinz Francis of Teck was impoverished with only an Austrian Army pension. This was subsidised with a free house in Richmond Park, England and £5000 per year. This fits the description I have been given about his family by my grandmother.

I need DNA confirmation of Claudine Zsuzsanna Rhédey de Kis-Rhéde
And Y-DNA from the House of Wurttemberg because the House of Teck is extinct.

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