Vad är källan att hon innan hon var gift med Birger jarl, skulle ha varit gift medJarl av Sverige Ulf Karlsson Fase

Vad är källan att hon innan hon var gift med Birger jarl, skulle ha varit gift medJarl av Sverige Ulf Karlsson Fase
vad är källan till att Ulf fase skulle ha fört detta vapen? I denna källa visas inte detta vapen:, inte heller i denna:
Here is the main source for the marriage of Ingeborg Eriksdotter & Jarl Birger Magnusson (Folkungaätten)
Dear Gerene, I guess everyone knows Birger was married to Ingeborg. My question referred to the claim that she was married to jarl Ulf Fase beside Birger. I never heard, or read this before. If its true, which I doubt, I suggest that the claim is supported at least by one source.
But Im pretty convinced this is someones fabricated Donald Duck history, and not true at all, why Im surprised that no curator looked into this sensational claim, with no single source.
Ul Fase died 1248, and Birger married Ingeborg before 1241. Ingeborg was born between 1210 and 1216. When is Ingeborg supposed to have married Ulf Fase? And why is this not documented anywhere else than geni? What is the source?