Maria Botha (Kickers), SM/PROG - Smart match made by Charlotte Louise Hoppe

Started by Delia Robertson on Sunday, June 20, 2021
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Bpatism right page at bottom corner Maria op dag 14 Jnnie 1662 deur dominee willemsen Bruijnze ?
vader Cornelis Kick and Moeder Cornelia Spaeroog

witness Aijntje Kick -- Bernard Claes Spaeroog ??

I'm saying I think that is pretty definitive in proving this isn't our Maria

Her birth Oude Beierland from where did that come from . Her first husband was from Oude beierland / van Outbeierlant not her .

2 years after Maria Kickers maried in 1683 , Simon van der Stel in 1685 requested orphans brides

Was Maria maybe part of the first 20 requested by van Riebeeck

'Jan van Riebeeck had already in 1659 requested that the Council of Seventeen (of the Dutch East India Company) send out at least 20 marriageable girls from Europe to the Cape settlement.
In 1685 Simon van der Stel made a similar request, differing in that he asked for between 30 and 40 girls. The Council of Seventeen reacted favourably to this request and decided to send 40 farm girls to the Cape. Suitable girls were apparently not so readily obtainable and in the event only 8 orphan girls from Rotterdam,

most of changes to Maria Kick to Maria Kickers on familysearch via a gedcom import Denys Botha 12 September 2020

As far as I know, the only orphan girls to come to the Cape are on the ship China in 1688?

Her birth Oude Beierland from where did that come from . Her first husband was from Oude beierland / van Outbeierlant not her .

Where do you see that? Isn't it Amsterdam from her marriage

Was changed to oude beierland when they changed date of birth to 1662 -- i just changed it to back Amsterdam

--how and when did Maria Kickers arrive at the Cape ?
see Dot Serfontein made Botha the brother of Jan Cornelisz in her book and so it flows ----


An orphan from Netherlands (Heese Vol 1, p. 360). divorce d from Jan Cornelisz 1700. Most of her children have the father as Jan Cornelis "Saam met die weesmeisies wat Simon van der Stel na die Kaa p gebring het, was ene Maria Kickers, wat latergetroud i s met ene Jan-Cornelis Bot (later Botha) van Stellenbosch . Maar -- so vertel my groottantes uit die Kaap -- Jan-Corn elis Bot was manlik nie reg geskape nie. Gelukkig vir ons B otha-nasate het sy broer Frederick Bot as bywoner by hom op die plaas gebly, doodgewillig en baie reg geskape. Uit d ie verhouding van Maria en Frederick is al die Botha-nakom elinge gebore. En hoewel hulle later tog getroud is en ona fhanklik geword en die plaas Zanberg, die later Scholtzhof, in dieHelderburgse wyk gekoop het, was die kin ders dus almal buite-egtelik.

"Systap onder die Juk., Dot Serfontein.,
Human & Rousseau, Kaapstad., 1969., bl 81 8 38.368SER.

yet Heese never mentioned her as orphan another myth --1. J.A.Heese, Die Hollandse Weesmeisies, In: Familia, 1976, no 3. All further quotes from this article, which is written in Afrikaans, are my own translations into English.

J.A.Heese in his article[1](based on an article in the Zuid-Afrikaansche Tijdschrift of 1882) gives a list of 10 young women:

Willemijntjie Ariens de Wit

Adriaantjie Jacobs

Catharina van der Zee

Anna Eltrop van Kleef

Engelte Cornelissen

Adriaante Janse

Adriana van Zon

Petronella van Capelle

Judith van der Bout and

Judith Verbeek

and thus spoke COMMON knowledge ! incorrect information spread like manure !

Maybe best to get all info ducks in a row and lock profile to prevent future shennanigans by people like me and some others .
Have tried to cleanup overview of duplicates

Thanks for this, Phillipp.

Maar -- so vertel my groottantes uit die Kaap -- Jan-Corn elis Bot was manlik nie reg geskape nie. Gelukkig vir ons B otha-nasate het sy broer Frederick Bot as bywoner by hom op die plaas gebly, doodgewillig en baie reg geskape. Uit d ie verhouding van Maria en Frederick is al die Botha-nakom elinge gebore.

:-) Well this explains a lot - including the affair with Ferdinandus Appel :-)

But then where do Jan Cornelisz' supposed other children come from? :-)

Dot Serfontein 's guess .

Apparently in court case divorce proceedings Maria claimed her husband encourgaed her relationship with Botha

My grt aunt Madge Moll , I also just discovered child with 2nd husband whilst married to first husband ---

16 November 1706

Sij persisteerde bij haare gedane confessie en sustineerde dat se met beloften en trouw die se mal- kanderen onder vier oogen geswooren hebben, so wel alsof se met den anderen in huwelijk waren getreeden kunnen volstaan, en dat se dierhalven als man en vrouw eenige jaren met den anderen hebben geleefd, en vleeschelijk geconverseert hebbende tesamen in deese boelasie agt kinderen geprocreert (Crim. en Civ. 1701-'08, 16 Nov. 1706. p 47)

Maria claimed all Bothas no Appel or Cornelisz children

Who was Jacobus Bota van de Caap married to Elsje Snyman 22 October 1713

Have you read the DNA analysis? So much fun :-)

On page left of father and mother's s marriage on the right .

DNA can give one Heartburn or worse !
I have only long dead matches 12 th century Iceland grave , 11th century Arpad graves , 580 ade Tyrol mountains grave , Gladiator no.4 York 200 ade ( like that one )etc

Isn't the story that Maria can't marry Frederik until much later because of the adultery charge?

Yes again he could marry again after the divorce but she as the guilty party had to wait to remaary till after he died

Maria Kick = Maria Kickers ?

Do not believe what is being forced on familysearch by gedcom imports and wishfull genealogy.

Not the same person .

I think our Maria Kickers is pretty locked down, so cannot be affected by this.

On the Kick issue > maybe this covered in the About?
Note: Maria Kickers had nothing to do with Jan Coenraadsz Visser ( she is probably confused with Maria Kikkert, an unsourced partner of Jan Coenraad Visser in SAG).

What I replied to Roy Lichtenstein in familysearch.

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