John P. Overton - Three Mothers

Started by Private User on Tuesday, June 15, 2021
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Private User
6/15/2021 at 3:09 AM

...and a pending merge.

Now two full sets of parents.
Do we know who the parents are?

I am just now landing on the profile and see I am 10th great granddaughter per the Geni.

Private User
8/18/2021 at 12:50 PM

Hi Cynthia, I gather his son Major-General Robert Overton was famous during the English civil war and the family had held Overton Hall in Easington, Holderness, Yorkshire, for some time.

This pedigree chart (no references included that I'm aware of) has John's father as Henry Overton (d. 1595) -- with unknown/unidentified mother.

The chart above is from a blog for the Robertson Genealogy, "Overton Family Connections".

The next site claims he was born in Essex.

And this family pedigree included with the intensive (multi-volume) history of Holderness, Yorkshire, by George Poulson, just begins initially with our subject, John Overton (and goes back no further than that).

That is all I can find for them. ;(

Private User very interesting.
Thank you!
Would it be appropriate to disconnect him then, at least form the one set?

Private User
8/18/2021 at 1:54 PM

I would be agreeable to whatever you decide to do with it, Cynthia. I wish I could be more helpful here, but that's all I could find for it.

Any Geni user with a Pro account can disconnect.
I am ok either way since I have not worked on the profile and am just now learning of the connection

10/23/2021 at 10:49 AM

Private User - would you be able to check the parentage of Mary Anderson for us? I don’t see her in John Overton, Esq. will, shown at

10/23/2021 at 10:58 AM

Research suggests that this person may never have existed. See the text for details.

Mary is not mentioned in the will of her father John dated 20 July 1648 or the codicil dated 20 September 1650. The will is very detailed and mentions son Robert, daughter Grizell, and grandchildren, godchildren, brothers, servants etc, so Mary, if she existed, probably died before then.[2]

According to a source quoted on Wikipedia, John Overton had five children: Robert, Frances, Germaine, Griselle (Griselda) and Thomas.[3] The source is a 1997 book "The Overtons: 700 Years ..etc"[4] If anyone has access to this book, please add details of any sources given.

Private User
10/23/2021 at 1:30 PM

Thank you, Erica. I couldn't find much beyond what we already know about these Overtons. I assume the family fell into obscurity during the heated political atmosphere of the times. His son, Robert spent much of his life in prison, and I gather from my research that it was fairly common for certain records to mysteriously vanish during changes of regime (such as the early Restoration period).

The Overtons' manor house in Easington was reputedly haunted, and eventually demolished in 1887. Here is a brief history about the place, including the memorial plaque for our John Overton, Esq. and his wife Joan in the local church. Also included is a transcript of an extant letter penned by Rev. Edmund Spencer, who claimed spending the night in the house removed all skepticism he formerly held concerning belief in ghosts.

10/23/2021 at 2:28 PM

I love it when we can flesh out the dry facts with this kind of detail! Thank you.

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