Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots - Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is Johnny Cash's 20th great grandfather. What is your relationship the Bruce?

Started by William Owen "Bill" Irwin on Monday, June 7, 2021
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Cheley, he's both (your uncle and grandfather). You're directly descended from both Robert the Bruce and his sister, Lady Margaret de Brus

Unknown Profile

Let me know if these links work for you, if not I can copy paste the lineages if you like. I think because the program automatically shows just one of each (bloodline and in-law line), because he is both your blood uncle and grandfather and you have a double-blood connection to him -- by default it chooses to show you the one with the shortest path.

Cheley, don't know if this is what you're seeing, but Geni only shows the closest relationship if there are multiples. For example, my wife descends from Charlemagne via 5 or 6 different lines, so if I start with her tree and work up, going back as far as each branch will go, I come across Charlemagne on these multiple branches. On each branch, he is related in a different way; Geni never shows or mentions these alternate ways, I only found them by hunting my way up the tree (it saves time of course if you recognize familiar names along the way). Given that, the percentage of his DNA in her would be maybe twice what the actual relationship would imply (although still small for that far back, and I'm not a geneticist).

Unknown Profile Collaborating just let's you see and work on my tree.

Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your 22nd great grandfather.
→ Staff Sgt. Billy M. Gross
your father → William Monroe Gross
his father → Ellison Monroe Gross, Jr.
his father → Ellison Monroe Gross, Sr.
his father → Elijah Mosley Gross
his father → Ellison Lafayette Gross
his father → Solomon E. Gross, II
his father → Mary Polly (Irwin) Gross
his mother → Gen. Robert Irwin
her father → William Irwin
his father → Robert Irvine
his father → David Irvine
his father → Robert Irvine
his father → Magdalene Scrimgeour
his mother → Margaret Seton
her mother → David Seton of Parbroath
her father → Helen Leslie
his mother → George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes
her father → Margaret Balfour
his mother → Janet Ogilvy
her mother → Margaret Glen
her mother → Sir John Glen of Inchmartin and Balmuto
her father → Margaret Bruce
his mother → Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
her father

You're welcome, Cheley. I'm just sorry it worked that time for me but not for you! It's just a somewhat quirky and eccentric application with certain limitations, yet a lot of fun and helpful in learning more about our kinship connections.

Just find the historic profile you want to compare and click on the "pushpin" at the top right corner inside the relationship calculator window...Then navigate over to whomever you happen to be curious about and it should show you right away...If it doesn't, you might need to refresh the page first.

(Another reason why it might not show up sometimes would be if it is on someone who hasn't connected their pedigree to the World Tree.)

Sometimes I forget to un-pin them after making comparisons, and then wonder why the relationships for other profiles aren't what I expected. After being completely stunned for a few moments, I finally remember to return the app to regular mode.


Good point Debra. Another way to do it, Cheley, would be to go to the Robert the Bruce profile and click HIS pushpin so then you can look at everyone in your tree and see how they relate to him. The only downside is the direction of the relationships is reversed - instead of "Robert the Bruce is your 20th Great Grandfather," you get "Cheley Hokanson is Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots' 21st great granddaughter!" or "Leonard Emmett Smith is Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots' 19th great grandson," [probably no surprise] or "Nellie eldora Yada is Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots' second cousin 19 times removed," which you wouldn't see on the shortest path for yourself. Have fun, cousin!

as of this writing, Robert the Bruce is listed (on Geni) as my 19th great grandfather; however! this has changed from time to time on'm uncertain.

Robert I the Bruce was my 20th grandfather and Johnny Cash is my 18th cousin once removed.

Robert the Bruce is my 24th great uncle. Johnny Cash is my 14th cousin on my dad's side. Yet June Carter Cash is my 8th cousin twice removed on mother's side.

A few months ago, Geni showed that Robert the Bruce was my 19th gr grandfather through my mother's FATHER. I went through each generation trying to verify the connection. I got stuck right about in the middle and couldn't connect a daughter to her supposed father. So just now, I went back and looked for the connection again. I got an entirely different line this time through my mother's MOTHER and he is listed as my 24th gr grandfather. I haven't tried to verify anything yet but - really - what the heck?

Okay, here goes...
Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your 20th great grandfather.

→ Patricia Ann Doyle your mother
→ Anna Gertrude Post her mother
→ Frederick Augustus Post her father
→ Emulus Edwin Post his father
→ Clarissa Fobes his mother
→ John Fobes, Sr. her father
→ Edward Fobes, DAR A040639-Rev War Rolls-2d MA his father
→ John Fobes / Forbes, DAR A134034 his father
→ John Fobes his father
→ Deacon Edward Fobes his father
→ Col. John Forbes his father
→ Rev. John Forbes his father
→ William Forbes of Corse his father
→ Marjory Lumsden his mother
→ Isobel Forbes of Terpersie her mother
→ John Forbes of Terpersie her father
→ Elizabeth Douglas [wife of Sir Alexander, 1st Lord of Forbes] his mother
→ Mary of Scotland, Countess of Angus her mother
→ Robert III, King of Scots her father
→ Robert II, King of Scots his father
→ Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland his mother
→Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots her father
...Through the Forbes line, it seems.

Less luck here - "Johnny Cash is your 11th cousin once removed" - though I did have a couple of his albums!

Besides the relationship bar, you can also try going to a profile (such as Robert the Bruce), going up to the Actions link in the upper right hand corner, and in the drop down menu clicking on Descendant Report.

This will take you to a new page— you can take it out to 20 generations. (I move the slider about 5 generations at a time, to keep it from freezing.)

If you want to take it more than 20 generations, you can click on one of the more recent profiles and run its descendant report.

But 20 generations will show you, probably, the lines where you would connect.

And this will make it much clearer, as to how you have so many different connections to some of the early profiles.

Greetings from Bordeaux (France)

Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your fourth cousin 20 times removed.
→ Muguette Rougeulle
your mother → Mary Yves Andre Rougeulle
her father → Anne Michel
his mother → Marie Louise Michel
her mother → Jean Marie Hidrio
her father → Yves Hidrio
his father → Gilles Hidrio
his father → Jacques Hidrio
his father → Vincente Le Bastard
his mother → Pierre Le Bastard
her father → Rolande Boisard
his mother → Jean Boisard
her father → Guillaume Bouessart
his father → Marye Boisard
his mother → Jane de Quelen
her mother → Hervé de Quelen, Seigneur de Saint-Bihy, Launay-Balin, de La Lande et Kerlohou
her father → Guillaume de Quelen, Seigneur de Saint-Bihy et de La Lande
his father → Aliette du Vieux Chastel
his mother → Plezou de Quintin
her mother → Geoffroi II de Quintin, II
her father → Eustachie de Vitré
his mother → Catherine de Thouars, dame d'Aubigné
her mother → Constance, duchess of Brittany
her mother → Margaret de Huntingdon, Princess of Scotland
her mother → David, 8th Earl of Huntingdon
her brother → Isabel of Huntingdon
his daughter → Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale
her son → Robert de Bruce, 6th Lord of Annandale
his son → Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
his son

Hello from Turku, Finland!
This connection has not changed during three years:
Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is my 17th great grandfather.

When your connections change it means that someone fixed an error somewhere down or up the tree. :)

Hi Keri Denise! Just wanted to tell, that there's hardly been any errors because the connection's been the same many years. 😁😂

That does not mean that there is not any errors. There could be error(s) in other branches leading to him. There are MANY.

Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your 20th great grandfather.
→ Jimmy Lynn Jackson
your father → Frederick Leo Jackson
his father → Sarah Elizabeth Jackson
his mother → Nathaniel H Shipley
her father → Sarah Jane Shipley
his mother → William Whinery
her father → Martha Whinery
his mother → John Campbell
her father → John Campbell
his father → James Campbell
his father → Mary Campbell
his mother → Captain William John MacKay, of Borley
her father → Donald MacKay, of Borley in Durness
his father → Helen Sinclair
his mother → Alexander Sinclair of Stemster and Dunbeath
her father → Sir William Sinclair, 2nd Earl of Caithness
his father → William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness, 3rd Earl of Orkney
his father → Egidia Douglas, Countess of Orkney
his mother → Egidia Stewart, of Lounane, Princess of Scotland
her mother → Robert II, King of Scots
her father → Marjorie Bruce, Princess of Scotland
his mother → Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
her father

Shortest in-law relationship
Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is your 16th great grandfather's wife's second cousin once removed's husband.
→ Linda Sue Jackson
your mother → Zettie Jones
her mother → Enoch Albert Key
her father → Enoch Coleman Key
his father → Joshua Key
his father → John Alfred Key
his father → Henry Key
his father → Martha Ann Dix
his mother → Priscilla Watson Tandy
her mother → unknown Colby, of Old Rapahonnack
her father → Agnes Drake
his mother → Sir Robert Drake
her father → Lady Amy Grenville
his mother → Sir Roger Grenville, Kt., MP, of Stowe
her father → Isabella Grenville
his mother → Elizabeth Gilbert
her mother → Margaret Hill
her mother → Sir Richard Champernon, Knight and Sheriff of Devonshire
her father → Alice Champernown
his wife → Elizabeth de Beauchamp, Baroness Astley
her mother → Guy de Beauchamp, 10th Earl of Warwick
her father → Maud FitzJohn, Countess of Warwick
his mother → Aveline Fitzjohn, of Ulster
her sister → Richard Óg de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Ulster
her son → Elizabeth de Burgh, Queen of Scots
his daughter → Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots
her husband

He is my 23rd Great Grandfather.
Johhny Cash is my 14th Cousin twice removed.

I am a great granddaughter of Robert the Bruce, and Johnny is my 15th cousin.

Robert I the Bruce is my 21st ggf. Johnny Cash is my 14th cousin 3 times removed. June Carter Cash is my 13th cousin once removed.

Robert I the Bruce, King of Scots is my 19th great grandfather.
Johnny Cash is my 11th cousin.
June Carter Cash is my 15th cousin four times removed.

He's an Uncle way back.

He is my 21st great grandfather. My 3rd great grandfather was Bruce...George Washington Wallace Bruce was his name.

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