Rabbi Yaakov ben Binyamin Zak Ashkenazi, of Vilna - Note to Future Researchers

Started by Private User on Tuesday, April 20, 2021
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Private User
4/20/2021 at 11:03 AM

As of this date, R' Y Zak-Ashkenazi has 34 living yDNA descendants listed in GENI, the most recent born in 2013. yDNA testing of one or more of these descendants would be a valuable addition to this family tree's knowledge base. If a person reading this is qualified to make the test and is willing to do so, please reply to this discussion.

Private User
5/18/2021 at 12:15 PM

My husband is supposedly a descendant of several of the Rabbis you have listed. According to my late grandfather , we are descendants of R’Akiva Eger. Has a similar project been started for him? I have not been able to trace back as to how we are descendant from him , but this may help provide proof .

Private User
5/18/2021 at 1:41 PM

Thanks for this new information. There are two R' Akiva Egers to my knowledge. One (Rabbi Akiva Eger, the Elder) is the maternal grandfather of the other (Rabbi Akiva Eger) so they each represent their own ydna signature. If you have tested your husband then you could attach his yDNA result to his GENI profile as a first step towards building the proof of his connection to one of these earlier lines. I am following your husband's profile now so that I will be alerted if you add the yDNA to his profile.

Private User
5/19/2021 at 12:49 AM

I realized after I wrote to you that it won’t be accurate since many of the connections are through the women , so it won’t be through the Y gene. My husband is also directly descended from the Tosfos Yomtov. But also through the grandmother . It would still be interesting to see the autosomal matches

Private User
5/19/2021 at 10:01 AM

Thanks anyhow and good luck with your research.

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