Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi - New Katz Lineage Proposal (Shakh Grand-Nephew)

Started by Private User on Monday, April 12, 2021
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Private User
4/12/2021 at 12:54 PM

To the Managers of this Profile: In the Ciechanowiec YB is this quote about R' Shabtai ben Eliezer Zussman Katz followed by his own words:

"One of the first of these was Rabbi Shabbetai Zussman, author of Meir Nativ (The Path Lighter) which was published in Altona, Germany in 1793. In the introduction to his book Rabbi Shabbetai writes

The lesser luminary our Master the Rabbi Shabbetai, son of the rabbinic scholar our Master Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Katz, may the Merciful One guard him and redeem him, of the holy congregation of Ciechanowiec, and grandson of the High Priest, that Gaon so widely famed in his generation, our Master Rabbi Meir Katz, father of my great-uncle the Gaon author of the work of ShakH, Siftei Cohen (Lips of the Priest) of blessed memory." https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ciechanowiec/cie003e.html#Page7

This is evidence for the following lineage: 1) Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi 2) followed Unidentified Katz, HaCohen an as of yet unidentified son which could be Rabbi Yonah Menachem Nahum HaKohen Katz, 3) followed by Eliezer Zussman Katz, HaCohen, 4) followed by Shabtai HaCohen Katz, 'Meir Nativ', ABD Ciechanowiec

I have created this tree and made a merger request for the review of the managers and curator.


4/13/2021 at 4:11 AM

Here’s a link to meir nativ, I’ll skim through it later https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=24618&pgnum=1

4/13/2021 at 4:15 AM

Adams quote is on the cover page

Private User
4/13/2021 at 7:39 AM

It seems fair to presume that since R' Shabtai and R' Eliezer are both Katzes then they are descendants of a brother rather than a sister of Shakk, unless the sister also married a Cohen. The one sister we know about, Miriam Esther, did not marry a Cohen. So the possibilities are: they are descended from Yonah, another as of yet unknown brother, or another as of yet unknown sister who married a different Cohen.

4/13/2021 at 10:05 AM

there is a zussman cohen line starting with R' Abraham Abbale HaKohen Zussman which may be connected

Private User
4/13/2021 at 12:06 PM

Could be. Unfortunately no testable yDNA relatives on GENI for the R' Abraham Abba HaKohen Zussman line. Difficult to prove at this point.

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