Erzsébet of the Kumans, Queen consort of Hungary - Her Mother

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Friday, April 9, 2021
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4/9/2021 at 10:03 AM

Is there documentation for the mother connected to this Erzsebet?

Asking because the notes in her About section show:

Mother N. N. of Galicia3

And Wikipedia says;

"Elisabeth was born as the daughter of Kuthen († around 1240), Khan of Cumania (chief of the Kyptschaks ), and his wife, a princess Halitsch."

I haven't seen anything documenting her mother as Erzsebet of Galicia, Russian Princess

Thanks for any additional documentation to be sure she is connected to the correct mother.

4/9/2021 at 12:54 PM

Hi Debbie,

I am sorry to say I’m not much help here, I have only just started looking into Erzèbet of the Kumasi. Hope you find someone out who might point in the right direction.

All the best.


4/9/2021 at 1:38 PM

Hi Patrick,

The Discussion posts go to all the profile managers, so you weren't being singled out to take any action.


4/15/2021 at 8:15 AM

Wow she is my 24th GGM😳😁

7/31/2021 at 4:43 AM

@ Erzsébet of the Kumans, Queen consort of Hungary -she is my 22nd great grandmother.

7/31/2021 at 6:32 AM

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert I think the Hungarian lines are an area that you know well. Maybe take a look for us. Thanks so much!

7/31/2021 at 12:47 PM

The exact identity of Erzsébet of the Kumans, Queen consort of Hungary's parents is not known. Primary sources mention that she is the daughter of the ruler of the Cumans. For example from Elizabeth's seal on a 1273 cirtificate, which reads "ELISABET DEI GRATIA REGINA VNGARIE ET FILIA IMPERATORIS CVMANORVM."

But, the question is which Cuman ruler is she the daughter of? There are multiple candidates. Following the devastation of the Mongol invasions, the Hungarian king Bela IV allowed the Cuman refugees to settle in Hungary in 1239. As part of this treaty, Bela's son, the future king Stephen V, married a Cuman princess, who took the Christian name Elizabeth. Some historians assume that she is the daughter of Köten/Kötöny, who was a leader of the Cumans who settled in Hungary and who was murdered by distrustful Hungarian nobles. Another candidate for her father is the Cuman ruler Szájan (Zeyhan), whom Bela IV mentions as a relative in a 1255 certificate: "Zeyhanus karissimus cognatus noster, dux cumanorum... dictie cognati nostri ducis Zeyhani" Source: Nagy Imre: Hazai okmánytár. Codex diplomaticus patrius VIII, page 62.

Another option is the Cuman chief Alpra, who the leader of the Cumans in Hungary during the 1260s and 1280s. See Kun Erzsébet Nőestvére (Elizabeth the Cumans' Sister) in Turul (1922-23 editon).

On many places on the internet, I see it written that Köten II, Khan of the Kumans 's son-in-law was the Kievan Rus prince Mstislav "the Daring" So I think the Russian princess mother (daughter of Mstislav the Brave on Geni) for Elizabeth is just a mistake. I am still trying to track down a proper source for Mstislav's and Koten's relationship though.

On a side note, the entirety of Köten's ancestry here on Geni looks like it is all nonsense to me. Is there any chance that the users who manage the profiles for Suthoi, Khan of the Kumans and Kotian, Khan of the Kumans could provide some primary source-based evidence for their existence and their relationships? I am not finding anything. does not count as a quality source.

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