Prince William, Duke of Cambridge - This profile showed up last week as I think 10th or 11th cousin via, I think it was a Russell line

Started by John Andrew Grogan on Sunday, March 21, 2021
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This profile showed up last week as I think 10th or 11th cousin via, I think it was a Russell line so out of curiosity I also checked the Queen, Harry, Charles, Andrew, Fergie, Diana, Kate, and Meghan and all but Meghan had that same ancestor in common with me & I'm guessing many others too. I remember my ancestor was John Joseph and his brother and their ancestor was William (I think was his 1st name, he had a title while John Joseph did not) it was but I forget if the last name was Russell or something else.

Now, that path is completely gone, very oddly, and instead an Innes family shows up as the common ancestor at the 10th or 11th generation and this one is Alexander Innes and it's two of his sons.

I'm mainly asking is was that entire Russell line fictional or is it still somewhere on Geni? I was following the father of John Joseph and William (I think was his name) but that entry is gone from those I was following.

Good Morning. I am not a curator, but I just wanted to communicate ideas too,.

May I please ask if you have tried pinning the profile for John Joseph or the other Russel ancestor and then checking the correlation to Prince William, the Queen, etc?

I am also of Royal descendent, and I found the same thing happening. At first it confused me, but then I realized that the system was showing different parts of the family connections. For example, part of the time on my Mom's mother's side and part of the time on the Mom's father side. In many cases people of royal descent married relatives and cousins, and you might have more than one path of relationship to a Royal, and and another or no path to another. As you say, it depends on the ancestor. I have paths to William and Harry, and also to Megan, but the path to Harry is closer.

These are just ideas. I'm good at researching, but its a different kind of research. I'm still learning. Lifelong learning here.

OK, now Diana & Camilla, William, Harry, show up with Innes, Queen, Charles, & Andrew with Newcombe, Kate with Montford, Philip with Drummond, Meghan with Ragland and Fergie with Campbell, which I guess is more probable if correct. Not being picky but if I'm going to use this to help build my tree before 1850 I'd like to have some confidence it was correct.

Has it just gone private? I've noticed this happening in other lines, recently. Don't know why descendants of a line would want to do that, because it benefits all to be able to fully follow our lines. I have created a separate spreadsheet, delineating each family line, over the last 5 years. In that way, I have lost nothing when information is pulled by a descendant.. If ancestors are of note, another source to check is Wikipedia. Good Luck!

I'm glad they are showing up now. One thing I do is I click to show how were related, and I trace it and document it for future reference. This is how I found out that both of my grandparents were descended from royal lines, some of them converging! I show as 10th to 11th with many royals, but would show sooner by the other part of the line that I need more documents for but know to be true. With those, I would show up as Lady Diana's sixth or seventh cousin. With the ones that I have I show up as her 11th cousin.

The main branches of lines that are further back beyond great great grandparents are usually easily visible, because the purpose of Geni is to build a world family tree and lines have to be visible for the main portions to do that. It is only necessary for privacy to keep perhaps to great grandparents or great great grandparents private. Then no one knows who the person's profile is if it's private.

The portion that you are referring to is probably further back?

I think it is more likely that the system is "preferring" to trace one way that is a closer route. That is what I was recently told by a Geni expert. Pinning is a good way to see the connections from different portions of the line, such as matriarchal and patriarchal, or even different grandparents. Its very interesting to see some of the lines converging way back! I knew my grandparents were related, but they turned out to be 9th cousins. It was great to see the connection.

"Diana, Princess of Wales is your 11th cousin."

Greetings, yyes, i too am connected the the royals, yet it depends on the algorithm that geni uses in the program to trace the paths. Sometimes goes through the male line then the female line. all my connections on my mothers Scottish side. occasionally get get husband and wife - both related through their own line.... intriguing

Hi you all, Iam also related to the UK and to the Dutch Royal Family.
You can try to acces by an other family member and work back of forward to your own connection.
best Regards,

Hi cousins, Mr Rowswell and Mr. Overmars. Me too.

Yes I too connect with the royal family on. Several times several lines

Good morning. That makes us all cousins. Nice to meet you, cousins. Yes, I connect through several lines and multiple connections to various royal lines too. I even found out that my grandparents descend from both the same and different royal lines.

It's interesting to see the connections.

To Mrs Hernly:

No I had had John Joseph pinned by "Following" but then that ancestor disappeared from my list of follows and couldn't be found again.

I had intended to enter that line backwards from me try but didn't before it disappeared.

As Geni demonstrated to us, apparently many people share common ancestors with each other but I guess the one deleted was wrong or they maintainers decided to make that data private (I'm pretty sure I could find it elsewhere in public references as that's where they had to have found it to begin with, but I've too many other things to do)

=> Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is your fourth great grandfather's wife's first cousin's husband's brother's wife's aunt's partner's great granddaughter's husband's third great nephew.

=>Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is your 16th cousin once removed.

Good Afternoon Mr. John Andrew Grogan,

Just because the ancestor disappeared does not mean that the person was not real.

Are you able to search by the person's name and find them? Do you happen to remember the name?

An ancestor further back would not be private. Only more recent ancestors, as that is all that is necessary for privacy and the goal of the Geni program is to help the people build a common family tree.

Well, many people might share common ancestors, but it depends on the degree of closeness and connections to some lines are more important to one than connections to other lines, depending on the person and what is meaningful to them in their life.

Nice to meet you, cousin Antonio Silveira Marques!

Nice to meet you Elizabeth Catherine Danielle Hernly! Indeed we are cousins!

(Elizabeth Catherine Danielle Hernly is your 19th cousin thrice removed).

Nice to meet you too. We might be closer relatives biologically. My Geni path shows my main path, so I would still be descended from the paths that it shows now, but I was adopted by Beuline Anderson Woodard from her adopted sister (same Jewish matriarchal line), who was her 4th cousin, her husband C. William Woodard's second cousin, Lady Diana Spencer's 4th cousin, descended from Mary Stuart Queen of the Scotts and also LaFayette, Seymour the Marquis of Hertford, the Desalvo's, and the Hernly's. So, we might be more closely related biologically due to other parts of my tree that don't show yet. My friends who had copies of the peerage said that the details of my adoption are in the peerage, but I don't have a copy of that.

It's really wonderful to make family connections, Mr. Antonio Silveira Marques. Many of my loved ones have already passed over to the other side, and I have just my Mom who raised me from Beuline's passing, my kids, and a few other distant relations. So nice to make your acquaintance!

Elizabeth Catherine Danielle Hernly is your 22nd cousin.
Hi Cous, its a small world after all.

Hi Herman Overmars! Sometimes it is a small world. Nice to meet you Cousin!

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