Gebhard I, Graf im Niederlahngau - MP total block in white

Started by Livio Scremin on Sunday, March 14, 2021
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attempt to work in area #2:

- (ENG poor)

-CLONE OF Gebhard d'Orléans, count of the Lahngau


b) [GEBHARD (-after 879). Jackman suggests that Gebhard (ancestor of the Konradiner) was the brother of Ermentrude, first wife Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks, therefore the son of Eudes Comte d'Orléans[141]. However, this appears chronologically dubious if Gebhard is identified with "Gebehardus" who founded Kloster Kettenbach, as recorded in the charter of "Ludowicus…rex" dated 31 Mar [845] in which the king donated land in "in pago Logonense iuxta fluvium Arda" to the monastery[142], unless he was born from an earlier marriage of his father. Nevertheless, an interesting possible corroboration for Gebhard's relationship with this family is provided by the Annales Bertiniani which record that "Adalardo Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo" was "propinquo" of the brothers Udo (ancestor of the Franconian Konradiner family), Berengar and Waldo who were expelled from Germany in 865[143], and in a later passage that "Adalardo…et suis propinquis Hugonis et Berengario" fought the Vikings in 865[144]. "Adalardo" was Adalhard [III], maternal uncle of Gebhard assuming the relationship is as shown here, and the brothers Udo, Berengar and Waldo were Gebhard's sons.

m --- [im Nordgau], sister of Graf ERNST, daughter of ---. The relationship between the sons of Gebhard and Graf Ernst is clarified by the Annales Bertiniani which record that "nepotes ipsius [Ernestus]" were expelled from the kingdom in 861[145]. If the suggestion by Jackman concerning Gebhard's affiliation is correct, Gebhard would have been the brother-in-law not brother of Ernest, married to the latter's sister.]


Adalard "le Sénéchal"
"Adalard and his relatives Udo, Berengar, and Waldo took refuge at the court of Charles in Paris."

"Adalardo" was Adalhard [III], maternal uncle of Gebhard" So his sister was the mother to Gebhard d'Orléans, count of the Lahngau

about NN

*Not a know daughter of Unruoch, marquis & duke of Friuli -->

*following ML her son Udo II, count in the Lahngau should be the son of .... im Nordgau, the other son is an old typo of his cloned BRO, but the whole zone has a total lock on the duplicate MP husband stuck in empty info-abut.

*(Unknown source of her DIY info-about)

her connection probably comes from the draft wiki ENG-ITA (not NL-CA) of her locked father Unruoch, marquis & duke of Friuli (he would really need a unlock & refresher on multilingual names fields mixed.. info about too:)

* (every language page very poor, unsouced & or just only drafts)

a couple of mini old uncensored twigs, mono ADMN no active, remain to be amputated:

-(2) Adelheid (medieval Scandinavia) Heinricsdatter --> CUT marriage & report duplicate (I identified the father)

-(2) NN Liutoldsdatter --> I really don't know who his alleged father would like to be, --> I would whiten and merge, but the area is delicate and full of blocks... --> CUT marriage & and let it wander !?

.....very very close there is always that ignored double MP to merge : * (nephew)

I would say that ADMN and (C) should have received enough notifications .. Erica Howton ..come there and here we leave SOLVED?

"Adalardo" was Adalhard [III], maternal uncle of Gebhard assuming the relationship is as shown here, and the brothers Udo, Berengar and Waldo were Gebhard's sons."

Same or not?
Ingeltrude of The Franks of Orleans

"Nevertheless, an interesting possible corroboration for Gebhard's relationship with this family is provided by the Annales Bertiniani which record that "Adalardo Yrmintrudis reginæ avunculo" was "propinquo" of the brothers Udo (ancestor of the Franconian Konradiner family), Berengar and Waldo who were expelled from Germany in 865[143], and in a later passage that "Adalardo…et suis propinquis Hugonis et Berengario" fought the Vikings in 865[144]. "Adalardo" was Adalhard [III], maternal uncle of Gebhard assuming the relationship is as shown here, and the brothers Udo, Berengar and Waldo were Gebhard's sons."

Thanks for your attention @Ulf,
your right questions are about deep genealogy (the one to be discussed over the centuries :)
Sorry I have only fixed all the old technical errors, duplications, connections and put into the profiles the sources I found :D

Everything above is DONE / SOLVED (with the help of some benefactor;) I hope it was useful to you all, to discuss deep Genealogy .. Good Luck :D

I think you’ve already been told firmly that there are no clone profiles. You have pulled that stunt on me as a reason to delete my profiles. I didn’t realize that this wasn’t a thing until I saw somebody tell you that within the last couple of months. It wasn’t until I just saw this that reminded me that I need to pursue a discussion with Geni over you’re operating methods. You shouldn’t be disposing of somebody else’s hard work for your own whims.

In fact you are the only person I have ever seen use the term.

Unruoch, marquis & duke of Friuli 's names were not locked. Let me know when you've added names, and I'll lock after you.

ex NN, NN name by wiki (connection here for years)
answered better here:

Unruoch, marquis & duke of Friuli name OK now.

I haven't changed Unruoch's names.. did you? Shall I lock as is?

81 follower profile NN who was wife of Gebhard d'Orléans, count of the Lahngau
& daughter of Unruoch, marquis & duke of Friuli
by wiki [only source cited: Patrick Wormald; Janet L. Nelson (13 December 2007). Lay Intellectuals in the Carolingian World. Cambridge University Press. p. 262. ISBN 978-0-521-83453-7.]

as not listed by ML, has been info bleached, covered with (copy-paste spam), cut, moved, dissexed, and reused laterally by the latter overwriting (C) [today @ Sunday]

from a genealogical point of view I'm sure I've been taught it's vandalism, if the profile was not sufficiently documented, or the little source was discredited, or in the presence of a speculative node, it had to be cut and reported fictional at most.. (if) ..
& leaving report inside.. both to make it known to all present and future people, but also to allow that encyclopedic page to develop, ..also for the discussions in which it was tagged, and many other reasons, in reality I do not see the reason why bleached, covered, cut, moved, dissexed, and reused laterally in quite another thing.

I'm presuming you're ticked off because I overwrote the completely erroneous notes you'd made on NN changing her name to a wikipedia conjecture without sources - that I'd asked you about in the Discussion?
That's called updating with correct info, and your response to it is defamatory and bizarre.

As you yourself said you'd erroneously merged in another wife for Gebhard and then unmerged, I was presuming the other messed up About notes in the area were left over from that and you'd appreciate me cleaning it up behind you.

I overwrote any Medlands notes in the Abouts with the updated Medlands version that had links to all the profiles, as I fixed up the area you'd asked to have looked at. That's called not duplicating info in the About - it's also good standard practice if you're trying to do a good job and saving people from scrolling through reams of duplicated info.

This is standard policy and good genealogy. It takes hours to do.

I use one family template that has links that shows who the geni profiles for their family context are. This is to make sure all the profiles have matching cross reference info too.

If you have the time to customise each template by removing the extra info for other family members and just keeping the links to them, that would be fantastic. By the time I was finished following up for you it was midnight, so I didn't.

Your erroneous info said: ''(stub)''
**'''Ternois of Friuli''', a daughter (b. 825), who married Count Gebhard Nieder-Lahngau

* ''(draft)''
**'''Ternois''' (825 – ?), che sposò il conte Gebhard Nieder-Lahngau;

your *
is not what I said, in my *

if it is what you understand from my text, we have serious problems understanding the language. (but I think it's slander:)

Livio if you think your English is typically comprehensible, you are mistaken. Whatever translation tool you use makes every post of yours a puzzle to English speakers.

Neither 'bleached' nor 'cloned' are geni terms anyone else uses, as has been pointed out to you by people you choose to mock.

On the question of the profile attached as a daughter of of Unruoch with a first name that you'd changed to the unlikely name of a territory of which he was count - with no primary sources to substantiate: - I reverted to the NN that it had been correctly before.
If you find primary sources to back up the unlikely case of him naming his daughter after his land - please post them. Discredited wikipedia posts are not that, though.

So 'bleaching' out the incorrect info and replacing with it the primary sources that we have which tells us the NN child of Unruoch is not married to Gebhard, is good history. Just because you're used to bullying people into silence doesn't mean you're right.

Find the primary sources for the name and marriage you want for this child, and we can have a productive conversation that is about something other than your pride - which I would be more careful of, except I watch you insult other people's pride without a second thought on a daily basis.

Until this conversation is about historical sources instead of insults, please don't expect me to dignify it with any more answers.

so, after all the enigma of duplications, also of MP, also blocked completely empty in white, without any source, therefore not primary or secondary, nothing, zero, nada, ... after all you have to reproach me that you do not understand the term CLONE?

About NN, instead I will not participate in your game of always repeating the same things:
reread them above *

and here* I also warned you:
that it was a complicated profile that had made me come back to myself, leaving the info that I could find around inside, (you had to cut it and report it not sufficiently documented, or fictional...
don't "whiten" it and reuse it) /!\

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