Philippe Fouché I, b1 - Children?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, March 13, 2021
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I'm looking at this Curator note and wondering where the primary sources for these two Philip's can be found "Philip Fouche b1 and b2 both died in France. Only one son, Steven b4 arrived in South Africa and all the Fouche's come from him."

cf Philippe Fouché I, b1 and Philippe Fouché II, b2
Anne Souchay, SM/PROG

We know that they had another Philip because the MOOC doc stipulates him here:
Susanna en
Philip Fouchet

Anne Fouché, SM
Steven Fouche
Susanna Fouché
Philip Faucher, b8

From Botha's 'The French Refugees at the Cape'

"The Voorschooten was a flute of one hundred and thirty feet
(Dutch) long.' Twenty-two French emigrants were on board.*
Amongst them were Charles Marais of Plessis, his wife and
four children, Philippe Fouche with wife and three children,
also eight young bachelors, amongst whom were the brothers
Jean and Gabriel le Roux of Blois, and Gideon Malherbe.
Jacques Pinard and his wife Esther Fouche had been
married previous to the sailing of the Voorschooten from


"FOUChe, Gasper, sailed in the Voorschooien in 1688, aged 21
3'ears ; probably he died on the way out.

*FOllChe, Philippe, arrived 1688 in the Voorschooien with
his wife Anne Fouche and children, Anne, aged
6, Esther, 5 and Jacques, 3. In 1690 he received
assistance for himself, wife and two children,
and in 1692 had four children. Descendants
living. "


"Pierre. In the Berg China two Pierres Jourdan,
both bachelors and both aged 24 years, sailed
from Holland and arrived at the Cape, both
appearing on the distribution list of i6go, and
in 1692, in a list of inhabitants of Drakenstein,
appear the names of Pierre Jourdan in partner-
ship with Louis Barre and Pierre Jourdan of
Cabriere. Of the latter the following particulars
are found. He was the son of the widow Jeanne
Marthe and married Anna Fouche, who died
about 1713, leaving children Anna, aged 15,
Joseph, 12, Susanna, 16."

" Susanna Fouche ; died 8th October, 1732."

" Jacques, born 1665, a carpenter, arrived in 1688
with his wife Esther Fouche, born 1667, whom
he married when the- ship Voorschooten sailed
from Holland. In 1690 he and his wife received
assistance. He remarried Martha le Febre and
left two children, Pieter, born 1690 and Jacques "

Here's the Delft Letter:

"Extract uit brief 19 December 1687 van de Kamer
Delft. C.512.

Met dit schip^ staen mede van hier te gaen de volgende
persoonen, die om de vervolginge tegens de waere gerefor-
meerde Religie in Vrankrijk bij ons sijn overgekomen, die
nu volgens Resolutie van de vergaderingh der Heeren 17
en 't reglement aen de Caep moeten werden geplaetst en als
vrije luijden tot den lantbouw en andere hantwercken ge-
bruijkt, wij recommandeeren U : E : deselve in alles behulp-
saem te wesen waer aen de Compe in 't particulier en de
kercks godsdienst sal geschieden — ^namentlijk

Charles Marais uijt plessis in Vrankrijk
Catarina Taboureux sijn huijsvrouw
Claude Marais out 24 jaeren'
Charles Marais 19 jaeren
Isaac Marais 10 jaeren

Marie Marais 6 jaeren_

Philippe Fouche
Anne Fouche sijn huijsvrouw
Anne Fouche 6 jaeren^j

Esther Fouche 5 jaeren I haere kinderen 3
Jacques Fouche 3 jaeren j
Marguerite Basche jonge dogter out 23 jaeren
Estienne Bruere jonghman oud 23 jaeren is een wagen-

Jacques Pinard, oud 23 jaer Is

een timmerman.
'Esther Fouche out 21 jaeren

jonge dogter
Pierre Sabatie, out 22 "de Massiere jongman
Jean Leroux out 21 jaeren jonghman
Gedeon Malherbe 25 jaeren jonghman.
Jean Paste 25 jaeren jongman
Panel Godefroy 22 jaeren jongman
Gasper Fouche 21 jaeren
Gabriel Le roux out 17 jaeren"

So, still looking for primary sources for the Philips who died in france

That Sharon I will have to have a look again. Just a bit tight on time at the moment.

I do remember I found that on the first time we spoke about it here.

If I forget, please remind me.

After this weekend I can spent quality time again and not only adding my files and files of paper printed DN's I have photographed over the 28 years of taking photos in the archives every Friday.

Cleaning up house as we might be relocating to the USA to stay with the children by the end of this year, early next year.

They are getting sworn in as "USA citizens on the 4th of April and can then start the prosess.


That's exciting Judi.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I seem to recall that Drummond provided them?

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