George Ivey, Jr. - Something Is wrong with the children

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, March 7, 2021
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Showing all 5 posts Shows entirely different children for George Ivy & Elizabeth Langley than other sources.

Help me understand.

Bad merge? I seem to have lost George as my 7th great-grandfather even though I am a manager !?!

I’ve done a lot of re arranging. I think because of that (Bad?) document. Pretty sure you’re over I’m the Adam Iveys, not the Lower Norfolk County guys. I’ll look.

I figured it out. Two Elizabeth Iveys were mixed up in records. - generation 3 and down, Elizabeth Langley Ivey didn’t die in 1718. Elizabeth, widow of Adam Ivy, did.

Elizabeth Ivey, wife of Adam Ivy.
“although his wife was unnamed in the 1681 court record, she was clearly the Elizabeth Ivey of Prince George County and Weyanoke Parish whose will was dated 26 April 1718, and proved on 8 March 1720 by her son Adam Ivey.10 The will makes the following bequests: “…I give and bequeath unto my son George Ivie, twenty shillings, or the worth of twenty in some commodity, as my executor shall see fitt… I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Ivie, a gold ring…I give and bequeath unto my son John Ivie, my bed & what belongs to it…I give and bequeath unto my son Gilbert Ivie, twenty shillings, or the worth of twenty… I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susan Hays, a gold ring…I give and bequeath unto my son Adam Ivie and his daughter Elizabeth Ivie, all the remaining part of my household goods, to be equally divided between them as he shall see fitt, and I do hereby appoint my son Adam Ivie my sole executor.” The will was signed by Elizabeth Ivey with her mark and witnessed by Eliza. Foster and Mary Poythress. (See 11 for a discussion of the Poythress connection.) Adam Ivey qualified as executor with Edward Prince his security.12 The household goods distributed by the will didn’t amount to much, as the inventory returned by Adam Ivey a year later on 14 February 1721 valued the estate at five pounds.13”

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