Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz, [Maharam of Tiktin] - Both wives related to Saul Wahl the one day king????

Started by Alec Justin Stern on Friday, March 5, 2021
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3/5/2021 at 11:51 AM

Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz married a Nee Katz and née katzenellenbogan. Both charts show they connect to Saul whal but through different people. Did Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz really marry two woman who coincidentally are blood related to the one day king or am I misinterpreting the charts. I know this might be confusing so I am happy to explain in depth. Please help if you can. Thank you In advance.

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3/5/2021 at 2:19 PM

Likely, they did. I have this phenomena happening all over our tree. Such were the times.

3/6/2021 at 7:29 AM

Thank you. Just wanted to make make sure.

Marrying close relatives of a previous wife was actually VERY common. Of course this would happen after the DEATH of the first wife. This was very common until very recently. My own your great grandfather (1883 - 1926) married his wife's SISTER, after her untimely death. In some families marrying cousins was VERY common.**1 This STILL happens, but to a much lesser degree.

Funny situation in my wife's family. A large family where the younger children are nearly the same age as the oldest grandchildren.**2 So her cousin and a cousin's SON married two SISTERS. It work's out that one sister is the AUNT of her... brother in-law.

**1 - Until the danger of this tradition became known. There's practically NO medical problem to marry a first cousin. The problems start when this happens again and again, over generations, in the same family,

**2 - It was rather surreal seeing a mother and daughter sitting together, nursing their children.

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