Rabbi Yeshaya ben Moshe Asher HaLevi-Horowitz, The 1st Horowitz of Prague - Let's fix up the top of the Horowitz tree!

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Thursday, February 25, 2021
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2/25/2021 at 10:39 AM

I'd like to start cleaning up the top of the Horowitz tree. What we have now is an amalgamation of various attempts, but with few sources and lots of potential mistakes.

I have added a bunch of the critical literature on the family to the Media tab for Rabbi Yeshaya ben Moshe Asher HaLevi-Horowitz under Documents, as well as to the Jewish Families from Prague project at https://www.geni.com/projects/Jewish-Families-from-Prague/documents...

What I am going to do is disconnect and identify in this discussion any profiles for which we have no good source. We can then put them back when we find a source, or put them in the correct place, or delete them.

Some of the main sources for this work will be:

Wachstein, Wer sind die Prager Munk im 16 Jahrhundert?

Hermann, Steuerregister der Prager Juden aus dem Jahr 1540

Wolf, Zur Geschichte der Juden in Oesterreich, Verzeichnis der Prager Juden im Jahre 1546

Muneles, Zur Prosopograhie der Prager Juden im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert

Teige, The Prague Ghetto book

Putik, Causes and Consequences of Prague Rabbi Revolution in 1579

Also useful will be

Hock, Die Familien Prags

Lieben, Gal-Ed

And the Popper cemetery notebooks on the website of the Jewish Museum Prague

I also have in book form

Muneles, Ketovot

Jacobi Papers, vol. II, Horowitz chapter

Most of the genealogies that people have relied on are using some, but not all, of these sources, so it is high time that we did some work and consolidated what we know and correct some of the mistakes. Muneles himself had planned to publish a new version of his work, but was not able to complete it.

Feel free to ask questions here in this discussion.

2/25/2021 at 10:45 AM

By the way, I'd also like to remove the title "The First Horowitz of Prague" because that also is not correct. According to Muneles, p. 80, the first mention of Horowitz is in 1485 with a Jacob and Sara Horowitz, but it is not clear if or how they are related to the family of Yeshaya.

2/25/2021 at 10:57 AM

I am tagging the top generations so this discussion is visible form all of them.

1. Rabbi Joseph HaLevi
2.a. Moshe Asher Zalman haLevi
2.b. Israel Horowitz, Halevi
2.c. Jehuda Horowitz, Halevi

2/25/2021 at 11:27 AM

So here's the first one.

Jekutiel Zalman Bumsla

Muneles, in Hebrew, implies he is a son of Jehuda Horowitz, Halevi, but in the same document, and also in the german version, does not list Yekutiel as a son of Juda Horowitz. Maybe a son-in-law?

Here's a translation of the Hebrew form Private User

Asher Horowitz's other brother was Yuda and his wife was named Zippora: His sons were Isaiah, Joseph, Hannah and Riesel. In 1493, King Vladislav II granted a permit to purchase a house at the entrance to the Jewish Quarter, near St. Nicholas' Church, so that he could carry out the king's orders with greater agility and security. The city council was forced to agree to this reluctantly. Yoda Horowitz was killed, as implied by the inscription in Memor-Buch: The officer and the generous priest Yoda Horowitz his blood should be revenge Bar (son of) Yosef Halevi and his wife Mrs. Zippora daughter of R. Yitzhak Dan (the memorial service was held in the name of his daughter Hannah) The inscription also appears there: Mrs. Reisel, the daughter of the holy Rabbi Yoda Segal, his blood should be revenge Horowitz, ( לפ "ק רצט)= (the year of his death without the thousand) Yoda Horowitz's son, Yekutiel, named Zalman Bomsala, is mentioned in the first patterns as one of the contributors: he was replaced by his brother-in-law, Shmuel Ben-David Gumpel

2/25/2021 at 11:55 AM

Here's another random Yekutiel, this time supposedly son of Moshe Asher Zalman haLevi

Yekutiel Meshulam Horowitz, Halevi

Disconnecting him until we find a source.

2/25/2021 at 11:59 AM

Need a source for ? Horowitz and her husband Elchanan

Hannah was on the tree as a child of Moshe Asher Zalman haLevi

2/25/2021 at 12:06 PM

According to Muneles, p. 81, this Jakob, son of Ascher is a doctor and his wife is Frokynt or Frankynt, whose second husband is Mann Hoschek Kantor. He lists children Jakob and Sara.

What is the source for Jakob having a wife Rosa? And children Nathan, Yechzkel, and Michal?

Maybe that's the son Jakob b. Jakob, named after his father who died early? Hard to tell. Need more sources on this one.

haRofe Yaakov Halevi Horowitz

Private User
2/25/2021 at 12:14 PM

according to the otto muneles in Hebrew there was a daughter who's husband was Elchanan
on page 113
ובת נוספת אשר שם בעלה היה אלחנן.
another daughter whos husband 's name was Elchanan
just that,,, no Munk or Hanna.

2/25/2021 at 1:55 PM

I think we need to maybe be careful with the posthumously published and translated version in Hebrew. Muneles died 1967, but the manuscript was given by his wife to Ruth Kestenberg-Gladstein and published in Hebrew only in 1988. It's possible that Muneles' wife Milada Vilimkova made some improvements, but if there is no indication of the source, it is very hard to tell.

2/25/2021 at 2:16 PM

Private User is see Elchanan now. In the JB article, Muneles has her xy [Tochter] [11], Gatte: Elchanan. I'll delete the name Hanna and re-attach her.

2/25/2021 at 2:18 PM

Haim WARTSKI,HACOHEN {Ish Zvi}, the general books are all horrible, I am sure. And anyone who seriously thinks they came form Spain needs their head examined. In other words, they don't know what they are talking about and are not serious historians or genealogists. See the very good article by Private User at https://avotaynuonline.com/2016/03/does-the-horowitz-family-from-bo...

2/25/2021 at 2:48 PM

I am going through the children of Rabbi Yeshaya ben Moshe Asher HaLevi-Horowitz

Problems include:

Muneles gives a son Israel to Meir Kolin? Halevi Horowitz but we have a son Naftali Hirsch Horowitz, Ha Levi added by Private User. What is the source for Naftali?

We have a Rosa Shoshana Horowitz, not in Muneles, with a son Salomon Horowitz. Muneles has Hendel Horowitz with son Salomon. Which is correct and what source is there for Rosa?

I don't see these children of Rabbi Yeshaya ben Moshe Asher HaLevi-Horowitz in Muneles so they need to be severed or sourced:

שרה הורוביץ
חנה הורוביץ
Yekutiel Horowitz
Jakob Yeshaya Munk Horowitz, Halevi

2/25/2021 at 3:34 PM

So, for Jakob Yeshaya Munk Horowitz, Halevi and Rosa Shoshana Horowitz we can rely on Wachstein, p. 149 and Bondy-Dworsky p. 379, but Wolf, p. 185 reads the entry differently and Muneles leaves them out altogether. Will be hard to resolve without seeing the original source, and maybe not even then.

2/25/2021 at 3:36 PM

I severed Sara, Hanna and Yekutiel from Yeshaya for now.

2/25/2021 at 11:20 PM

Israel Jacob Munka HaLevi Horowitz has 12 children, according to Muneles, but these two aren't among them. Do they belong somewhere else?

Yaakov Halevi Horowitz
Yehoshua HaLevi

And I assuming Litman (101) is the same as Eliezer Litman Ha'Levi Horowitz

2/25/2021 at 11:25 PM

Aaron Meshulam Zalman Munka Halevi Horowitz has 4 children, according to Muneles, but these two are not among them. Do they belong somewhere else? What are the sources?

Rivka Stern
Shmuel Ha'Levi Ish Horowitz

2/25/2021 at 11:33 PM

Is Lazar Horowitz in the right place? Putik calls him Lazar Sheftl Horowitz but Muneles doesn't list him as a son of Rabbi Shabtai (Sheftil) Halevi Horowitz

2/25/2021 at 11:50 PM

In Muneles, Asher Zeligman Halevi Horowitz has three children, but not these two

Naftali Hersh Horowitz
Ezekial Horowitz

2/25/2021 at 11:51 PM

Is Naftali Hirsch Horowitz, Ha Levi a son of Meir Kolin? Halevi Horowitz ? If so, we need a source.

2/26/2021 at 9:32 AM

Haim WARTSKI,HACOHEN {Ish Zvi} this is not the right place for a discussion of Parnitchover. You can start a discussion on his profile. Please delete your previous comments on this discussion.

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