Cecily Bohannon (Collomore) - Proof of Parentage

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Monday, February 22, 2021
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Is there any actual documentation for the parents connected to Cecily?

Asking because various sites either show no parents connected or have different ones than connected here. Her husband Duncan's Find-a-Grave page states:

"The parents of Cicely Collmore are not known, but she may have been related to Thomas Cullamore who was transported to Maryland in 1637."

'May have been' is way different than being his daughter. Point being, I haven't seen anything actually documenting these connections.

I'm still researching this family and came across info about the builder of St. Michael's Parish Church. This is noteworthy because this Sisley lived in that parish. I noticed that the surname of the family in the are wasn't Collomore or Collmore as common seen but Collymore.


Captain Robert Collymore, the builder of Saint Michael's parish church in 1665

This is a fascinating story about Amaryllis Collymore:


She was sold to her white lover and that's how she became known by that surname. They had as estimated 11 children who were enslaved.

Amaryllis gained her freedom and it says she was "the richest free woman of color in pre-emancipation Barbados"

Doubtless, there were other enslaved people who took the Collymore surname.

And the reason I bring this up that Sisley is my son's direct ancestor and he just recently got DNA test results show him as 13% Caribe (indigenous people of various groups in the Caribbean / West Indies). There aren't a lot of options in our tree for where this DNA could have come from, and Sisley is definitely the most likely ancestor to have had this lineage.

This far back and if she had actually been one of the enslaved or freed Collymore family, I don't know if I can find records from there to reflect that, but I do know that no one has been able to prove who her parents are and it's only stated that she's 'possibly' a descendant of the Thomas Collmore / Cullamore connected to her here.

I joined a Taino DNA and genealogy research group and was provided with a long list of DNA kit numbers from the remains of deceased Taino people as well as some living folks whose kits were used in a 2018 study on Taino DNA. My son matches these folks, even showing estimated MCRAs with them and when I use the Gedmatch chromosome paint tool with them, he shares Amerindian DNA with them.

This would explain the puzzling 20-20.8% Iberian DNA my son's previous results have shown also.

I can't prove this Sisley was from the indigenous Collymore family, not yet anyway, but the DNA and the fact that it was a Collymore who built the church in her parish seem to point to that.

I don't know how much additional information I might come across over time, but I'll share whatever info I find in hopes it will provide more answers about this Sisley's lineage. I'm hoping maybe someone in the Taino DNA and Genealogy group might have info actually from that area on the Collymore and Bohannon families.

I just came across this genealogy that list Thomas Collmore with his name listed as Thomas Collimore / Collymore.


516 Duncan Bohannon b. c1635 Scotland d. before 1704, land in Virginia 1776,1675
SEARCH 1296 Macoum de Boguhaman , Ragman Roll 1296 Buchanan Parish in Stirlingshire Scotland, local name in Fifshire Scotland,
517 Cicely Collmore b. ~1640 d. 1678 Kingston, Gloucestershire Va m. 7/5/1658 in Barbados, daughter of Thomas Collimore/Collymore , transported to Maryland 1637

At the above link, Thomas' wife isn't name nor does it say she was transported with him If he was one of the enslaved or freed Collymores, that might explain being sent to Maryland. You'd think if he had been an Englishman and done something to get kicked out of Barbados that he would have just have returned to England. Wish we had more details.

You might find more information on Cecily filed as Sisley-

English Settlers in Barbados 1637-1800
Barbados marriages , Vol 1, 1643-1800, St Michael Parish

Pg 57, RL1/1, 1658
July 5 Dunkin Behannon & Sisley Collmore, cert. of pub

I have a pic of file but cannot attach here. That needs to be changed. Working off phone.

My 7th great grand

I do not have my line connected directly on purpose-

Tery, that means you and Len share this line and I may share it also, still trying to figure my connection out. But, yes, I use the Sisley spelling since that's what her marriage record shows. She's Len's paternal 9th ggm. I already had them in our tree but until Len recently got 13% Caribe on DNA results, I really hadn't paid much attention to them since I posted in 2021 and no one responded back then. So now I have renewed interest in these connections. The Caribe DNA explains a lot.

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