D. Mayor García de Aza - MP total block in white with fable, instead of primary source connection.

Started by Livio Scremin on Monday, February 15, 2021
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2. MAYOR García de Aza (-after 24 May 1182). "Rodericus comes…cum consanguinibus meis: Semeno Enechez et mater eius dompna Maria, Don Garcia, D. Malrico, Gonsalbo de Marañon, Don Nuño, Don Rodrico, Don Alvaro, Don Pedro Garciaz, comitissa Doña Elbira, Domna Milia, Domna Santia Garciaz, Domna Mayor Garciaz, Domna Maria Garciaz" donated "villam…Gormeces" to San Pedro de Arlança, by charter dated 7 Feb 1140[153]. Alfonso VIII King of Castile granted "la villa de Sequilla, sita en el río de Francos…en el término de Cobos de Cerrato" to Gonzalo and his wife by charter dated 1 Mar 1169[154]. A charter dated Jan 1182 records the entry of her daughter Inés in the Cistercian monastery of Aza, in the presence of her mother "Mayor García", subscribed by her children "Fernando, Pedro, Alberico, Nuño, Domicio, Inés"[155]. "Cometissa domina Maior" donated "hereditatem de albegeria de Oterdaios et de Paramo et de Villaymara" to Burgos Cathedral by charter dated 26 May 1182[156] (which follows an earlier donation to Burgos dated 1159 by her supposed father: "Garcia Garciez filius comite Garcie…cum uxore mea Sancia" donated part of "albergeria de Oterdaios sicut mater mea et fratres mei dederunt" to Burgos Cathedral by charter dated Dec 1159[157]).

m GONZALO [Rodríguez] de Marañón, son of [RODRIGO Pérez de Marañón & his wife --- (-after 21 Nov 1178). [It should be noted that, according to Salazar y Castro, Mayor García de Aza married Fernando Núñez de Lara, son of Nuño Pérez de Lara & his wife Teresa Fernández de Traba (-Marrakesh 1217, bur Santa María de Puente Fitero). This parentage is supposedly confirmed by the charter dated 27 Oct 1242 under which her daughters "Doña Sancha Fernández de Lara mujer de don Fernando infante de Portugal señor de Serpa y doña Teresa Fernández de Lara su hermana, mujer de Ponce Hugo conde de Ampurias, hijas del conde Fernando Núñez de Lara alférez mayor de Castilla y de su mujer la condesa doña Mayor García de Aza" donated property in Belorado to the bishop of Burgos[158]. The wife of Fernando Núñez de Lara was named Mayor, as shown by the charter dated 1231 under which "Comdessa dompna Mayor mulier del comde don Ferrando et…don Aluar Ferrandez et…dompna Sancha Ferrandet et…dompna Teresa Fernandet, filios del comde don Ferrando" property to the hospital of Burgos[159]. However, Martínez Díez describes her parentage as proposed by Salazar y Castro as "pura fabulación y…en contradicción con todos los diplomas y documentos que conocemos", pointing out that all the documentation points to Mayor García de Aza having married Gonzalo [Rodríguez] de Marañón as shown above[160]. The original text of the charter dated 27 Oct 1242 has not yet been found, so it is not possible to assess the extent that the extract as provided by Salazar y Castro strays from its wording.

Name Fernando Nuñez de Lara
Title Lord of Lara, Castrojeriz and Monzon
Sex Male

Shows him with two wives called Mayor.

I’m moving the children to the other one.


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