Lieut. John Ellis, of Sandwich - Fixing John Ellis - parents unknown

Started by Erica Howton on Monday, February 1, 2021
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I’ve heard from Wikitree about their hard work on John Ellis. See

My proposal is to combine this profile with John Ellis, Sr.. Two wives, 1st wife of John Ellis & Elizabeth Ellis

No parents - not Anna Blandina Ellis not Margaret Ellis, of Suffolk

Nice Wiki profile. Would all profiles looked that well-written and sourced.

But what of the other John Ellis of Dedham and Medfield? Is that one clearly separated now?

No idea about the Dedham Ellis family today.

I’m at cleaning up child 5 of 11 or 12 born at Sandwich on the fake Blandina line, then need to conform them with the fake Anne Benjamin line.

Was just curious since it mentioned that was one not to confuse still. It is pretty well documented on Wiki too. . I will check to see if I can find him in Geni by Googling and searching the search engine, but usually I have to make one to find one.

It looks like the "other" John Ellis mentioned in the Wiki profile is this one

John Ellis of Medfield

According to ours though, wife Joan has children. Wiki wasn't sure about that and thought they all belonged to 1st wife Susanna.

Boy, there sure are a lot of profiles named John Ellis.

I had recently worked on John Ellis of Medfield in fact. I have good confidence in its accuracy.

Yeah, I don't know much about them except they are connected to some of my "Indian Wars" relatives. I think that was why I got tagged. Interesting bunch of profiles.

Here’s the issue of “unplaced Ellis” in Dedham & Medfield. They don’t quite fit together.

Research notes

Original identified as "Ann Benjamin", daughter of Family:John Benjamin and Unknown (6). This has been disproved, because (add reason here)

↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 ELLIS, in Holman, Mary Lovering, and Harriett Grace Scott. The Scott Genealogy. (Boston, Mass., 1919)
Among the early settlers of Dedham, Mass., were a number of persons by the name of Ellis. They were probably all related, but were unlikely to have been brothers and sisters. From the fragmentary data existing it seems probable that a widow Ellis, with two sons, Richard and Joseph, married Lambert Genery (or Chenery) and came to this country. It is quite possible that John, Thomas and Ann Ellis, also early settlers of Dedham, may have been her children or her step-children, but there is no proof of it.

*Lambert Genery signed the Dedham Covenant in 1636, as did also |John Ellice, Richard Ellice and Joseph Ellice. In the list of admissions to the church there are the following:
The wife of Goodman Genery, 4 Dec. 1640.
Lambert Genery, 9 June 1644. ...

... Widow Ellis married (1) before 1620 ___ Ellis, and (2), probably before 1633, Lambert Genery. She died before 14 May 1658. Her children were: ...
*Lambert Genery ... married first, a widow Ellis, by whom he had two sons, John and Isaac Genery. She died before 14 May 1658, for on that date he married, second, ...


tagging Anne Colver


Also see

Ha! Now you are getting down into Groton with some of my Indian Wars connections. Yeah, that is why I get tagged. Very interesting time in history. Thanks, Erica Howton for being so diligent. It is now or never, I sometimes think.

'widow Ellis' Genery

Came over with 2 Ellis sons & a new Chenery husband, settled at Dedham. I would think related to the Medfield family, who was 1st at Dedham. Dedham was a an intentional spiritual community under the leadership of the well-loved Rev. John Allin, very tight knit.

Research notes

Original identified as "Ann Benjamin", daughter of Family:John Benjamin and Unknown (6). This has been disproved, because (add reason here)

ELLIS, in Holman, Mary Lovering, and Harriett Grace Scott. The Scott Genealogy. (Boston, Mass., 1919) 192.

Among the early settlers of Dedham, Mass., were a number of persons by the name of Ellis. They were probably all related, but were unlikely to have been brothers and sisters. From the fragmentary data existing it seems probable that a widow Ellis, with two sons, Richard and Joseph, married Lambert Genery (or Chenery) and came to this country. It is quite possible that John, Thomas and Ann Ellis, also early settlers of Dedham, may have been her children or her step-children, but there is no proof of it.

Thomas Ellis of Medfield Is another possible child or relative of widow Ellis.

We now have two family groups for Ellis of Dedham & Medfield.

John Ellis, Sr. & Joane “Anne” Ellis as parents of John Ellis of Medfield, Anne Colver, Joseph Ellis of Dedham Lt. Richard Ellis of Dedham & Francis Ellis


Possibly the same people, possibly related

Unknown Ellis & 'widow Ellis' Genery parents of Lt. Richard Ellis of Dedham & Joseph Ellis of Dedham

“Ann Ellis was the daughter of John Ellis, “an early signer of the Dedham Covenant.””

But John Ellis of Medfield was a contemporary of Ann’s, not her father. Was there an earlier John Ellis in Dedham?

Mercy! That's one of the questions I am always asking Was there....Who is....How come....?

Well, I like the two Dedham family configuration, with “unknown” Ellis & “John Ellis Sr” as likely brothers, cousins, etc. Proof if any in English parish records, if they survive. But Dedham history could be illuminating.

I think you rock, Erica Howton to try to figure this out. Thankfully you care about it and maybe the descendants will one day, even if they never realize how much work went into it. :-)

'widow Ellis' Genery is your first cousin twice removed's wife's 7th great grandmother.

I relate through Edith Anna Phipps

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