R' Saul Lowenstam, A.B.D. Amsterdam - The Wives of Rabbi Saul ben Aryeh Leib Lowenstam, ABD Amsterdam

Started by Claudia Bullock on Thursday, January 28, 2021
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1/28/2021 at 11:32 AM

Some confusion has arisen about who the wives of R' Saul were, and I would like to get the issue resolved. In "The Unbroken Chain", by Neil Rosenstein, there are 2 wives listed. The first wife was the daughter of R' Abraham Kahana, ABD Dubno, and this would be the same person as Hinde Lowenstam, who is currently documented in GENI to have been married to R' Saul on July 29, 1730. So, with the first wife, there is no conflict.

The problem arises with the 2nd wife who is listed in "The Unbroken Chain". In Chapter XII, page 278, it says that R' Saul was re-married "sometime after 1769 to the widow of R' Jacob Haim, ABD Lublin (see Volume One - Chapter III)". But, when I access the reference to Chapter III, we are told that it is actually R' Jacob Haim's son Isaac who died in 1769, and that R' Saul was re-married to the widow of R' Jacob Haim's son Isaac, and NOT to the widow of R' Jacob Haim.

The first thing to notice here is that there is no mention in "The Unbroken Chain" of R' Saul's marriage to Sarah Jacob Isaac, widow of Hijman Abraham. However, the record of that marriage, which occurred in 1775 has been clearly documented in the 'about' section of her profile.

The 2nd thing to notice is that Sarah Jacob Isaac had a sister named Chaya, who happened to be a widow of R' Jacob Haim. But, it seems to me that Chaya, widow of R' Jacob Haim was never actually married to R' Saul, but rather was somehow confused with her sister Sarah Jacob Isaac, who we know actually was married to R' Saul.

It seems fairly clear to me that R' Saul was never married to a widow of R' Jacob Haim, but rather was married to an unknown widow of R' Jacob Haim's son Isaac. It is my understanding that Isaac is the one who died in 1769, and that it is Isaac's wife who was then remarried to R' Saul sometime after 1769.

So, it seems to me that there must have been a total of 3 wives, with one of them being the unknown widow of R' Jacob Haim's son Isaac, although I'm not entirely clear on whether she would have been the 2nd or the 3rd of the wives. In other words, I don't know what the exact date of the marriage would have been, and whether it would have been before or after the 1775 marriage of R' Saul to Sarah Jacob Isaac.

In any case, I believe that the marriage of R' Saul Lowenstam to Chaya, widow of R' Jacob Haim, is in error, and that she should be disconnected from R' Saul.

I'm tagging Kevin Lawrence Hanit who requested that I start this discussion.


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