R' Meshulam Zalman HaLevi Mirels (Mirels Neumark [of Altona] (Mirls)), A.B.D. Hamburg - Jakob, Father-in-Law of Zalman Mirels-Neumark

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Monday, January 11, 2021
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Wachstein, Inschriften, pp. 209-210, 263-264 states that R' Meshulam Zalman HaLevi Mirels, A.B.D. Hamburg had a father-in-law named Jakob who was a rabbi in Vienna. The citation is to Da'at Kedoschim, page 48, nr. 2, 2. But Wachstein says there is no evidence of a Rabbi Jakob in Vienna.

Can someone check on this? Also, we need some sources for the two wives of Zalman and their fathers.

Miriam Mirels
Genendel Fraenkel-Mirels-Neumark

Have you looked in Schachter, Jacob (unpublished PhD thesis about R. Jacob Emden)?

Maybe time to delete Genendel Fraenkel-Mirels-Neumark

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