Margaret Dalyngridge (Chamond) - A couple of issues

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 on Thursday, January 7, 2021
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Consistency Check:
Unknown is under 12 years old for the birth of her child Margaret Dalyngridge.
Lady Philippa de Lewknor, of Bodiam born after the death of her mother Margaret Dalyngridge.
More than 40 year age difference between Margaret Dalyngridge and her husband Sir Alexander Mowbray.

Private User
1/8/2021 at 6:52 AM

Hi Keri, this lady's mother is supposed to be Anne Chamond. But in 2017 someone removed her first and last name without explanation and for no apparent reason.

Anne Chamond

The original MP had the name correct and it was only a couple of years afterward that this person altered it.

Anne Chamond

As for the birthdate, it was not on the original MP until it came in with the merge. So I would remove that birthdate (no source given for it). And I would restore her name as it was originally was on the MP.

Thank you so much for your help with this Private User I have fixed it.

Private User
1/8/2021 at 4:45 PM

You are always welcome, Keri. I see now that I overlooked the other inconsistency (difference in age between Margaret Dalyngridge and her husband Sir Alexander Mowbray). I have yet to really investigate it, but I thought I should first let you know what I've found so far: Mowbray has a duplicate that is an MP. And the MP for him does not list her as his wife. That's all I know at this point.

Alexander Mowbray, Lord Chief Justice

Private User
1/8/2021 at 4:46 PM

Based on the death dates of everyone I believe that Margaret only married Sir Walter Dalyngridge and Alexander only married Elizabeth Wandesford

I have removed Alexander as her husband because there is not any proof that they were married and the dates don't fit. :) They are all my 18th great grandparents. Thank you so much for responding and helping.

Consistency Check:

Lady Philippa de Lewknor, of Bodiam born after the death of her mother Margaret Dalyngridge

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