Fruela I el Cruel, rey de Asturias - Wife and Children

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Wednesday, January 6, 2021
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1/6/2021 at 7:51 PM

I don't see anything in the many notes in his profile that he had more than one wife, Munia, who is listed as his only spouse on his Wikipedia page:

There is only one child listed for him on his Wikipedia page and Remón Romaes isn't mentioned anywhere in the profile notes or his Wikipedia page as his son.

Is there any documentation for more than one marriage and the other children other than Alfonso II of Asturias?

Asking because this is a direct line for me and I want to make sure the connections are valide. Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.

1/6/2021 at 7:55 PM

I'm assuming [ROMÁN . Barrau-Dihigo asserts that Román, alleged son of King Fruela and supposed ancestor of the Traba family, was an entirely fictitious invention[108]. He is, for example, named in the Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos "Conde D. Roman hermano del Rey D. Alonso el Casto" as father of "D. Iuana Romanes" who married "Conde D. Mendo"[109].]

is the same person as Remon who is attached that I was inquiring about.,%20LEON.htm#AlfonsoIdied757

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1/6/2021 at 10:50 PM
1/6/2021 at 10:56 PM

Yeah, I love being a descendant of fictitious characters! I am glad you caught it. It does not sound like my ancestor Román is real. Oh well, that's ok. I have a lot more like that, I am sure. If I could ever get out of the Colonial period, I might be better versed at helping you track them down. I do appreciate your diligence. Thanks Debbie Gambrell.

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