Sir Duncan "Na-Adh" Campbell of Lochow, 1st Lord Campbell - A couple of issues

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Saturday, January 2, 2021
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1/2/2021 at 10:49 AM

Sir Duncan "Na-Adh" Campbell of Lochow, 1st Lord Campbell had 1 child between the ages of 10 and 15 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Sir Duncan "Na-Adh" Campbell of Lochow, 1st Lord Campbell (born 1390) or the following child:
Archibald Campbell, Master of Campbell

Also this was sent to profile managers so I am including it here.

Managers of Sir Duncan "Na-Adh" Campbell of Lochow, 1st Lord Campbell,

I am contacting you about this profile:
there' s alot of confusion on my part i don't know if he was married twice

Sandy Lovejoy

1/2/2021 at 12:11 PM

Yes, the Clan MacFarlane site does a good job. I adjusted birth dates based on it, which resolved the inconsistencies.

2 wives, Marcellina and Margaret.

Sandy Lovejoy
1/2/2021 at 10:54 PM

hi @ heather and Erica thanks for replying to my message, i really do Appreciated it very much i got the macfarlane site bookmarked and i have two books on the Campbells both books are not that detail meaning its small print and one column about each clan members or "house of" they don't give you the dates just the family's came into power i get some of my information from familysearch,org has duncan Na Adh being born in 1390 while ancestry has him born in 1370 while geni has him born in 1364 so its really hard to know which dates to rely on and marjoy stewart is the same way im not sure about her dates as well once again thanks
sandy lovejoy

1/2/2021 at 11:47 PM

Sandy Lovejoy - unfortunately, at this point in Scottish history, there aren’t a lot of birth records available. So what you see on genealogy sites are estimated dates, which vary according to the compiler, resulting in some serious discrepancies and generation “creep.” So we are learning to just leave it blank if we don’t know, and there are other records that are more reliable, such as property inheritance.

1/11/2021 at 1:48 AM

Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochow, 1st Lord Campbell Dates

Sandy Lovejoy - what sources do you have for Birth, marriage and death dates ?

Sandy Lovejoy
1/13/2021 at 2:12 AM

hi Erica,
i was a member the CCSNA in Scotland and i got a newsletter and had some info about various campbells of course Duncan na adh campbell was mention in the book or newsletter, also i had belong the CCSNA on face book and i guess that you can say that was my sources i had other then family search i cant get into these paid sites because im not a paid member so i have to rely on family search,org for resources even that shows little information. thank you

1/13/2021 at 12:35 PM

So can we clarify your question? I think we’ve already reviewed the genealogy, and it looks OK; and pointed out that exact dates may be difficult.

1/13/2021 at 12:36 PM

(Now looks OK - see the post above citing, a free site)

1/14/2021 at 1:24 PM

Thank you Erica Howton .

Sandy Lovejoy
1/15/2021 at 3:50 AM

@ hi all i just wanted to say thank you for your help i knew that researching for my grandmother's Scottish and Irish ancestry would be tricky although, i couldn't believe how hard it really is when you are doing all the work by yourself i must apologized for my last message i was getting frustrated and getting distracted by 5 yapping dogs and people calling at the house so i would have to put down 1364 as sir duncan na adh campbell birth? as of now my tree on geni has been temporary postpone until i get this straighten out, once again
sandy lovejoy

1/15/2021 at 9:10 AM

I hope you don’t have duplicate profiles in Geni, Sandy. That would be unnecessary and cause problems - better you delete them.

1364 is given as a birth date but I don’t see a citation.

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